In Complete Flakery, Road Trip!

Back when I first got on the interwebz in 1997, I was dazzled–and instantly addicted.

Photo Credit: Robert S. Donovan via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Robert S. Donovan via Compfight cc

I’ve been an indoor person all of my adult life, working and reading and watching TV instead of taking part in the outside world. (I like to blame the sun, to which I developed an aversion as a kid after a series of painful sunburns—back when I spent all day, every non-school day, outdoors.) So the ‘net was a natural next step. I learned html and coded my first blog, then another one. I found a welcoming group of friends. I even got a job working online from home. The internet was my entertainment, my livelihood, and my social life.

Meanwhile, the world was passing by outside my window. I wasn’t exactly agoraphobic, but because of my extreme sensitivity to fragrance, I found myself retreating to my little apartment more and more to avoid the migraines. I stopped riding the bus or going to malls, and gave up movie theaters. The web filled in the blanks for me—the online friends, the intellectual stimulation, even glimpses of nature.

Don’t get me wrong. I know this all sounds hopelessly sad and pathetic, but it wasn’t. I love the internet! I love Facebook and Twitter and all the wonderful friends I’ve made over the years. Being online every day makes me incredibly happy, and I’m so glad Al Gore Timothy Berners-Lee invented it! But I find myself longing for nature—real nature that I can touch and smell and feel. Flowers and forests and rocks. Fish and bugs and snakes. Deserts and mountains and prairies. Lions and tigers and bears (well, from a distance). Rivers and lakes and oceans. I want to see it all first hand, not through a screen any more.

It’s right outside my window. I can hear birds chirping over the din of rush hour traffic. I could walk out the door and walk around the neighborhood, feeling the sunshine on my skin (protected by fragrance-free sunscreen, of course). But I don’t because, well, maybe there is a bit of agoraphobia going on after all. The traffic bothers me. So many houses, so many people. I want to get out of the city, away from feeling scrutinized.

Okay, so now you know my neurosis: I don’t like being observed. That’s one reason I love the web (and before that, radio)—I can communicate with you and still remain invisible, except for a headshot here and there. I’m sure you understand the feeling.

Crap—might as well come clean: I am ashamed of how I look. Being so sedentary for so long has added too many pounds to this old body. That’s the other reason I want to break free of my little self-made prison: I need to move again for my health and looks, and I can’t think of a more enjoyable way of doing it than exploring nature.

And so, I am starting my journey now. Not the travel part, quite yet. I’ve decided to wait until autumn to hit the road, and work on getting ready in the meantime. (I didn’t buy Big Bertha, btw.) Getting ready means, for me, changing how I see myself, becoming the person I’ve always wanted to be: a writer of books, an adventurous woman, and generally an ‘outside kitteh.’

That’s a huge journey in itself, and will take all of my courage and determination. San Diego is an amazing place for outdoor activities—it’s shocking, really, that I’ve lived here so long and completely ignored all that this wonderful city has to offer. So last night, I decided to take the plunge, literally, and learn to kayak. I signed up for a two-hour kayak tour of the sea caves at La Jolla Shores, a few miles from where I live, and will schedule it in the next week or two.

Here’s a video of what it will be like—looks like fun:

Right after I posted this video on Facebook and mentioned how sedentary I am, someone suggested I attend a free, introductory aikido class tomorrow (Friday) night. Talk about Put Up or Shut Up! I agreed to go (eep!) and will let you know what happens.

I plan on doing more outdoors-y things too, like surfing and scuba lessons, learning to fish, hiking… and who knows what else? It’s a way of breaking out of old habits that haven’t worked for me. I’ll be sharing my adventures with you here, and I hope to inspire you to try some new adventures yourself. They don’t have to involve the outdoors, of course. Do what you have been longing to do, whether it’s traveling or painting or writing that novel.

I’d love to hear what new adventures you have in mind—tell me in the comments below!

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  • Nathara

    It must be the season! I’ve been having the urge to re-embrace writing, so the last few days I’ve been putting finger to keyboard and pecking away!

    • LaVonne Ellis

      Wonderful! I think you’re onto something there… spring is the time for new beginnings. I’ve never felt very motivated by New Year’s, but spring? Every time. Keep writing!

  • Jen

    I hear ya Lavonne…… done pretty much the same thing…. I left my job three years ago, and somehow got sucked into the interwebs…I loved it , I met some amazing people online and its enabled me to earn a living now…but my have I piled the pounds on :0 All those hours of coffee and bagels hunched over the laptop eagerly reading more,more,more blogs has taken its toll 🙂
    Not so sure about kayaking and Aikido …. but I know I need to do something ! 🙂

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Dance! You love dancing, right?

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  • […] I finally went kayaking, with the help of the gorgeous young folks at OEX La Jolla. And I had fun. But it was way harder […]

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