In Business, Productivity

This is not going to be a well-crafted blog post. It’s just an update on what’s been going on here at Chez Flake. And let me just say I’m still a little dizzy.

  1. I have my first two clients for vocal coaching. Do you call them clients when they’re not paying you? What the hell — clients. What happened was, a couple of weeks ago, I impulsively offered on Dave Navarro’s More Buyers Every Month Group Mentorship [affiliate link] forum to give a half-hour session to anyone who wanted it. The purpose was to find out if I can do this, and to find out if it’s something people want. Two people want it so far [and if it goes well, I will make the same offer to a select number of you dear readers. 🙂 I’ll let you know.]
  2. As a result of that offer, I got LOADS of great advice from other members of the forum, including Dave himself — who, now that I think of it, said HE’D like to take me up on my offer too — and then blog about it! OMG, how could I forget a thing like that? Well, I told you I was a flake. But that coaching session will have to wait until I have item #3 ready to go — wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity to get a blast of link love from The Launch Coach.
  3. Last night, I grabbed a FABULOUS domain for the audio tips/vocal coaching site I’ve been talking about here. I quickly set up WordPress and the perfect Wootheme to go with it. No blog posts yet, but here’s a preview: Like it? Yeah, content will be a big improvement. Gotta work on that.
  4. Today, I set up a cool scheduling calendar called TimeDriver and made available two hours a day, four days a week for future coaching sessions.
  5. Okay, this is the part where I get really nervous. But I’m not going to let a few nerves get in the way. I’ve had butterflies before, and I know everything will be fine. Just fine. No, really. I think.
  6. Meanwhile, I’ve been working hard on getting my Facebook fan page up and presentable — only it’s not presentable at ALL. I don’t know why, but Facebook is like another planet to me. I do not understand. But I’m taking an awesome six-week class called the Social Media Business Class [affiliate link] by Wendy Maynard, and she is patiently answering all my questions, some of them more than once. So I know I’ll get it eventually.
  7. Can I ask you to do me a big favor? Would you please go to my Facebook page and click the Like button? I know it’s tacky to ask, but once I get 25 ‘Likes,’ Facebook will let me have a ‘vanity’ url of my choosing instead of the long, ugly one that no one can remember. In return, I’ll be very happy to ‘Like’ you too. Of course, I like you already, but you know what I mean.
  8. I had my mind blown by several epiphanies in the last couple of days, but will save that for another blog post. I don’t want to overload you.

Phew! I’m tired, but in a good way.

And how was your week? Tell us in the comments below — and be sure to add a link to your Facebook page, if you have one,  so we can all send you some ‘Like’ love!

Photo credit: david.nikonvscanon
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Showing 25 comments
  • Kirsty Hall

    Wow, you've been busy, honey. Congrats on all of this, it sounds very exciting.

  • Marlene Hielema

    LaVonne, I'm scared of Facebook too. Well not really, but I'm not sure if I want all of my past catching up to me. That was the old Me and I'm not sure if it mixes with business Me. Plus, I'm already pulled away from doing what I should be doing with Twitter and email and buying yet more courses for $97 and figuring out WordPress. So, I'm scared I will become more of a flake than you! And I don't want to eclipse the good flake work you are doing or barge in on your flake territory.

    When you figure it all out, let me know if I should be scared, or just go with it like all the other sheep in the herd. You see, I've never been much of a sheep, so I resist sheepish tendencies. I'm a late adopter. By the time I decide to join everyone will have moved on from Facebook and there will be another shiny thing that people flock to.

    Sorry to be so silly and free speech, but you bring it out in me LaVonne, and well that's why I love you. You are the secret hidden part of me that doesn't dare to admit that I am just like you, so I am living vicariously through you!

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Marlene, I've rewritten this line half a dozen times — can't find the right
    words to express how moved I am by your comment. Thank you. That's the best
    I can do. I'm honored that you feel that way. And it reconfirms the feeling
    I've been getting: that a LOT of people need a safe place to talk about this
    problem we have. I hope I can provide that place.

    As far as Facebook and other social media go, I think you need to do what
    feels comfortable. I decided to step outside my comfort zone partly as an
    experiment to see if I could handle it, and also because there are a
    SHITLOAD of potential customers on Facebook and other social media. It just
    seems foolish to ignore them.

    This ties into my point about providing a safe place for flakes. I have a
    tendency toward grandiose plans I can't carry out, so just know that about
    me as I tell you this latest one: I'd like to find more flakes on Facebook
    and do the same thing there I'm trying to do here.

    Okay, that's not the grandiose part — this is: I'd like to start a bleeping
    flake MOVEMENT. There. I said it. Heheh. [evil chuckle]

  • LaVonne Ellis

    “there are a SHITLOAD of potential customers on Facebook and other social

    Not that I have anything to sell them — yet. 🙂

  • LaVonne Ellis

    It is, isn't it? And that's not the half of it. I completely forgot a couple
    of very important phone calls that happened yesterday. I'll blog about that
    next. 🙂

  • Marlene Hielema

    You are right! Time to get out of my comfort zone, life is short! You'll be the first to know when I start my FB page. Notice I wrote “when!”

    Yes, this is a safe space indeed, and even if I can't always write to you, I'm here reading, and joining in when I can, and feeling connected and welcome here. You are sooo refreshing and real!

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Go, Marlene! 😀

  • Peggie


    I’ve never thought you were a flake but now I’m determined to go and find your definition and call-to-arms about the flake factor so I can help with your revolution.
    You always have great insight and wonderful comments in the blogosphere we’ve been travelling together – so you are, in being you, shining a light for flakes everywhere. Which I suppose is the ultimate point, no?
    That said, I’d invite you to “like” my page too – even though I really don’t have an idea how to get the url shortened here – or maybe I do. I’m the gal who jumps on any new fun people-connecting tool available because, despite being an introvert, I really love people and learning from them. Usually I join something, dive out of the plane or whatever and THEN figure out what I’m “supposed” to do. It makes for good stories if nothing else. (Hmm, Maybe I should give Wendy a call to figure out what I’m doing on FB too)
    Thanks LaVonne for being you and shining a light for others to learn from!

  • Peggie

    d'uh. You see, I really lose track of what I'm, if you're so inclined, is my biz page on FB

    I'd dig some new like-love!

  • Jane Bradbury

    Hey LaVonne, great updates, you're not really flaking at all!

    I've been on FB a while, but need to set up a Like page too. Marlene, I wouldn't be happy about my past catching up with my either, but no one seems bothered. If there's one thing I've discovered it's that people I sometimes bother about aren't bothering about me one little bit.

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Marlene, I found this excellent guide to Facebook that I will put on the Resources page of this site – which I still have to create:

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Liked! And thank you for Liking me. That sounds bizarre, doesn't it?

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Peggie, I don't have a call-to-arms yet, but it's a good idea and I think I'll get on that. I feel like I'm diving out of a plane right now. Your comment and so many other enthusiastic responses are actually scaring me a little — not because there's anything wrong with what you've said, but because I'm feeling like I bit off more than I can chew.

    Did I mention I have social anxiety? Yeah, I forgot to put that in the bio.

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Peggie, I put this in another comment, but you might miss it:

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Thanks Jane, I really appreciate your comments. Check out this excellent guide to Facebook:

  • Peggie

    Oh LaVonne — I know our doctors love giving us titles for what makes us feel icky (physically and emotionally) but hell, I haven't met a human alive who doesn't have some sort of anxiety, fear, social what-have-you. some are just better at owning it and moving forward and saying “i've got this, so let me keep going” than others who growl at us, or push us around, or say stupid things about us, or just generally show their fear by being well — butt heads –

    At least that may be how I have managed to live with myself for all these 45 years — convincing myself that the next gal or guy is just as scared as I am about being laughed out, found-out or whatever. Of course, that doesn't mean I go full throttle in my purpose either…you know. because I'm a-scared.

    You rock. Don't forget it. if you weren't telling your story, using your voice (and showing others, literally, how to use theirs!) think of the repercussions. we need you. not in a “you have to be a servant/martyr way” but in a “you are modeling some awesome behavior kind of way. Clearly, you're on purpose 🙂


  • misty o'brien

    I admire that you're getting things going with being an audio coach. I just listened to myself asking a question on a call, and realized I talk way too fast. eek! When you open up coaching to more people, we ought to talk. 🙂

    I went over and “liked” your page, and it inspired me to get the page for my blog finished enough to publish. Sam and I are the only fans, so far, but I hope that will change.

  • LaVonne Ellis

    We need each *other*. That's the truth. 🙂

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Hi Misty, thank you for your comment and “Liking” my Facebook page! I would LOVE to do a voice coaching session with you. I'll email you privately so we can discuss the details. 🙂

  • Wendy Maynard

    Hi LaVonne – woo-hoo! You are rocking and rolling. I am so excited for you. This IS going to be awesometastic audio!

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Hi Wendy, and thanks! Now I just need to knuckle down and build out the
    content. Kinda nervous about that. But I have my first voice coaching
    session tomorrow, and I think that will jog some blog post ideas.

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Hi Misty, thank you for your comment and “Liking” my Facebook page! I would LOVE to do a voice coaching session with you. I'll email you privately so we can discuss the details. 🙂

  • Wendy Maynard

    Hi LaVonne – woo-hoo! You are rocking and rolling. I am so excited for you. This IS going to be awesometastic audio!

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Hi Wendy, and thanks! Now I just need to knuckle down and build out the
    content. Kinda nervous about that. But I have my first voice coaching
    session tomorrow, and I think that will jog some blog post ideas.

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