In Business, Complete Flakery

I was still trying to decide this morning whether to move the vocal coaching stuff to a new blog or keep it here. The peanut gallery has been vociferous [“Keep it HEERRRE!“] while others were firmly against [“You’ll scare away prospective clients with the flake thing!”]
Interestingly, the differences seemed to break down along gender lines — women in favor of the flake, men against — with one eloquent exception. So, what are we to make of that: that women are more likely to perceive themselves as flakes and have a fondness for confession, and men think it’s best to hide our weaknesses? I have no idea.

What I do know is that I don’t need ALL customers, just SOME customers. I don’t need a lot of money, just some money. So I was leaning toward keeping it all here, where I feel comfortable and I know people like me. And, as has been pointed out in the comments, my “right people” will find me here. Those who wouldn’t be right for me wouldn’t be attracted to this site. That’s okay.

But then I had a vocal coaching session with my fabulous mentor, Launch Coach Dave Navarro, who gave me some free advice afterwards — which included his opinion that I should have two sites, and he liked another domain I have better than AwesometasticAudio. I agreed about the domains and figured he knew what he was talking about, so I said I’d get the new site set up and ready, because next week, HE’S GOING TO BLOG ABOUT OUR SESSION. Holy crap.

Dave also told me to offer voice coaching sessions to some of the Big Bloggers to help spread the word, and to create PDF and audio follow-up files, all to be part of my product. [My Product. ::sigh:: I like the sound of that.]

Aaannd… he’s going to give me a full consulting session next week! Wow.

But talk about pressure! I had a few days to set up a whole new site, write some articles and make it all look decent for company. I’ve been stressing about that for two days. This morning, as I thought again about the site decision, it came to me:

What would a flake do? This flake in particular?

I don’t want to have to figure out how to get a whole new audience at the new site, and then juggle both sites. I’m a flake! I can’t handle all that. I would definitely flake out. I know this from experience. Some people do well under pressure, but I’m not one of them. The right thing for ME, I realized, is to keep it simple. That’s what always works best for me. Hell, it’s the ONLY thing that works.

So the decision is finally made, despite very good advice from very good people. This is what has always felt right to me. Gotta go with my gut. I still have to put up some kind of sales page for vocal coaching and a couple more blog posts, but it’s a lot more doable than a whole new site.

And I have to get a new bumper sticker made: “WWFD? What Would a Flake Do?”

Photo credit: Kev Griffen

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Showing 18 comments
  • Kirsty Hall

    A flake would panic and eat Rice Krispies. And then lots and lots of chocolate.

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Excellent point. Sounds delicious.

  • Trece

    Dear Heart, I love it that you're going with your gut – it is TOTALLY what a flake would do!!

  • Mike Korner

    Great job LaVonne!

  • Jane Bradbury

    LOL ? Don't forget the chocolate!

  • Jane Bradbury

    So, this post sent me on a trip to read Johnny B. Truant's stuff which then reulted in an open letter to him.

    I'm off down the same route as you LaVonne – everything about me in one place.

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Thank you, Trece! I feel so much better now that I know what to do, and it
    feels right for ME. 🙂

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Ooh, I want to read that letter, but your site is down again. Can I help?

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Thanks, Mike! I really appreciate all your encouragement and ideas.

  • Jane Bradbury

    It's alright for me today, and it was up all day yesterday too. I've moved hosts now, so I shouldn't be getting a problem. What address are you using? should get you there. :o) I'm out today (well, possibly) so I'll check back with you later.

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Phew, it's up now. Must have been down temporarily.

  • Gareth

    I love this. You got advice, lots of advice, took it all to heart, then looked at it through the filter of what felt right for you, and made the best decision.

    Definitely the Flake way.

  • wdaunheimer

    I'm so glad that you've finally made peace with a decision. Indecision can wreck us. Hopefully, you won't have another migraine for a good long while! I'm looking forward to watching your jump into the blogging limelight!

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Ah, but as a true Flake, I couldn't stick with THAT decision now, could I? Check the latest post. :o]

  • LaVonne Ellis

    I am the Queen of Indecision! And yes, I have changed my mind again.

  • Gareth

    Somehow I feel that I should give you a list of the swathe of destruction i've left through the company i buy my domain names through (let's just say I'm purging them this year, and will ditch 10-15 of them). Most of those got a site at some point, but they all fell to the wayside. (even is dying a slow death at the moment while I concentrate on

    I'm hoping to be able to stick to this decision (and I'm allowing myself to be completely flakey about the topic choices from the blog. I figure as long as I can maintain a consistent writing style I shouldn't scare too many people)

  • Reply

    What would “______” do? is a great way to get inspired. I use it often myself and I have to say that “What would a flake do?” is great. It puts a twist on it. Perhaps you can develop a brand?

    Perhaps you are right about doing what works for you even if “experts” have other advice. The experts only know because they have already tried. Perhaps they did what you did as well and now they just think they know better?

    Their help can sometimes be off because they are simply not in the same boat anymore.

    I listen to a few people but I always decide myself in the end. Perhaps a flake is lighter and less attached….? (less rigid and stuck)


  • Samuel Törnqvist

    What would “______” do? is a great way to get inspired. I use it often myself and I have to say that “What would a flake do?” is great. It puts a twist on it. Perhaps you can develop a brand?

    Perhaps you are right about doing what works for you even if “experts” have other advice. The experts only know because they have already tried. Perhaps they did what you did as well and now they just think they know better?

    Their help can sometimes be off because they are simply not in the same boat anymore.

    I listen to a few people but I always decide myself in the end. Perhaps a flake is lighter and less attached….? (less rigid and stuck)


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