In Road Trip!, Thoughts

One of the things you find out, when you come out here to live in nature full time, is who you really are. There is no way around it.

You discover what you like and what you hate, what you are willing to put up with and what you are not. You find out that your fantasy self, the one you really hoped you would become, is just a fantasy.

You learn to accept yourself the way you are, at last. Turns out that some things, you aren’t willing to change after all.

And maybe, just maybe, you start to love yourself

I don’t mean, “Damn, I am an awesome human being!” Although that’s good too. No, I mean loving yourself enough to take good care of yourself — mentally, spiritually, and physically:

  • Taking the trouble to cook a healthy, satisfying meal even though you hate cooking
  • Doing the dishes right away so fixing the next meal will be easier
  • Setting up your space so that taking good care of yourself is less of a hassle
  • Lacing up your hiking boots and taking the dog for a long walk (she’ll love you for it too)
  • Going after the things you really want in life

Think about that last one for a minute

Have you always wanted to be an actor? Why not try out at a local community theater? If you don’t get the part, volunteer to be on the crew. You’ll have an amazing experience and make new friends in the bargain. And when the show is over, you can move on to a new town where you can try out for another show.

Maybe you have a hankering to try stand-up comedy. Find a local comedy club and go to their open mic night. Experience the delicious terror and joy of facing your fear. Then do it again.

Or you can finally write that book you’ve always dreamed about; there is plenty of time to think when you are on the road. Once you’ve finished and learned how to self-publish your book, you can use your nomad lifestyle to advantage by setting up readings at book stores around the country.

Set up a YouTube channel and share your experience with the world. Learn to knit or play an instrument or photograph nature. Hike the Appalachian Trail. Let yourself do that thing you’ve been holding back on.

(Of course, none of this requires living on the road — but you know that.)

How can you truly love yourself? Do it

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  • Joyce

    A beautiful and oh so timely post. I’ve always said that I did everything I’ve ever wanted to do. But here I am now having more life to live than dreams. So I am creating a new list of adventure and discoveries but they focus now on finding and taking better care of me. What a great post. Love your life stories!

    • LaVonne Ellis

      “More life to live than dreams” — so true. Thanks, Joyce. Looking forward to camping with you again soon!

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