In Road Trip!, Travels with Scout

Read Part 1 of Two Miracles here.

“I’ve been thinking,” Jen was saying, “about giving you my van.”

We were on our way in her 1995 GMC Vandura toward Sierra Vista, AZ, where we were going to pick up a rented U-Haul van for me to live in while I waited for the insurance payout on the van I had totaled two days earlier. Then, I would use it to search for a replacement for my trusty-but-now-deceased van, Dorothy.

I wasn’t sure I heard her right.

“What?” I said, stunned.

“It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a long time,” she replied. “I’ve been wanting to simplify my life, live on a bicycle and backpack for a while, and then get a minivan. This seems like the right time.”

I tried to process what she was saying

I’ve known Jen for several years but not very well. I heard stories about her from my close friend Linda May, and met her briefly a few times at vandweller gatherings. So, that she just came to Douglas to help me was already wonderful, but this? Too amazing to believe. I was afraid to get my hopes up.

“Why don’t we pull over somewhere and talk about this?” I suggested.

Jen brought the Manatee, her van, to a stop by the side of the road. I got out to give Scout a chance to pee, Jen a chance to think it over, and me a chance to clear my thoughts.

This was crazy and incredible

Please God, I thought as I waited for Scout to do her business, let it be true.

But it couldn’t be true. Jen was a free-spirited young artist and this van had been her home on the road for five years. People don’t just give their house away, not asking for anything in return. Do they?

Scout and I climbed back into the Manatee.

“Let’s find a place to eat,” said Jen, “and talk it over.”

She seemed to be trying to decide whether to go through with it. I was glad to see the indecision on her face because I wanted her to be absolutely sure of her choice. I couldn’t risk worrying that she might have regrets later.

We stopped at a small breakfast place in Bisbee, and talked over a basket of sweet potato fries. By the end of the conversation, it was decided. Dazed, I called U-Haul to cancel my reservation, and we headed back to the tow yard to get the rest of my stuff from poor Dorothy.

My beautiful new home and benefactor

It’s a week later

Scout and I are settling in to our new home. I can’t find anything, of course—it’s just the way it is when you move in a hurry—but I love it. And, funny thing, but it feels like the Universe was listening to all my complaints about Dorothy. She was a great van but there were things I wished for:

  • A high-top so I could stand up ✔
  • More living space so I could do yoga inside ✔
  • More solar power for my blender (green smoothies!) and my new fridge ✔
  • A Wave catalytic heater to keep us warm at night ✔
  • Lots of cubby holes and ways to hang my clothes and other stuff ✔
  • A flat floor. I can’t tell you how annoying it is to walk over the bars meant to hold seats that had been removed from Dorothy. Now, I might even get my dream bamboo floor installed. Someday.

Plus other stuff I wasn’t even hoping for, like:

  • A fancy, two-burner camp stove ✔
  • Two big propane tanks (saving a lot on butane) ✔
  • Most of all, no more car payments! ✔
  • An emergency fund (when the insurance pays out)!✔
  • And more I can’t remember right now ✔

The Manatee is an old van, 24 years old, so I will have to learn how to take good care of her, the way Jen has. It has new tires and a new transmission, so that’s good, but you never know when that emergency fund will come in handy.

Jen has suggested that when we transfer the title in a few days, we have a renaming ceremony. (I am open to suggestions!) And she painted this adorable picture of the Manatee exploring the desert.

See? Miracles do happen, sometimes twice in the same week.

New adventures forthcoming…

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  • Yolanda Odom

    So happy for you Lavonne! Many blessings to you and Jen! Can’t wait to see your new home. 😍❤️🙏🏽❤️🤗

  • Linda Buie

    Whoa! This one made me cry. Jen is beautiful inside and out, and I am so happy that her need to give coincided with your need to receive. Lovely story.

    • LaVonne Ellis

      Thank you, Linda. Jen and I both choked up with happiness a few times ourselves. <3

  • Elaine

    ❤️❤️❤️❤️ thanks for the inspiring story LaVonne (and Jen). We need this kindness and generosity and good stories like this. So happy for. You LaVonne

    • LaVonne Ellis

      Thanks, Elaine! The down side is that I don’t think this van is up for another trip to Canada. 🙁 But we’ll see. <3

  • Lee

    Call her the jenster

    • LaVonne Ellis

      Haha, I think I’ll name it Miracle. Fits right on a vanity plate, too. 🙂

  • Michael Herrmann

    Where is Jen living? Does she have the bike & backpack?

    • LaVonne Ellis

      Jen is staying with friends at a ranch nearby. In the spring, she says she will see what comes next, probably a minivan. She does have the bike and backpack. 😉

  • Susan T Blake

    Blessings on Jen, and gratitude that you and Scout are OK!

  • Laila Atallah

    Ooh, I love hearing you dish on all the details. What a fun, uplifting and miraculous happening! I’m so happy for you and Jen. I wish you both continued health, happiness and high adventure. <3

    • LaVonne Ellis

      Thanks, Laila! I hope I can meander up your way again, one of these days. <3

  • Jenny

    I love this story so hard. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving person. We need more Jenn’s in the world! <3

    • LaVonne Ellis

      I have lots of Jen’s (like you) in my world — lucky me!

  • John Soares

    LaVonne, I’m very glad this worked out so well for you! I once lived for about a year in a Ford Econoline van with two golden retrievers, and it sure is nice to have both more space and more features.

  • Ed Helvey

    Great piece, LaVonne.

    I love reading what people take the time to write. But, I especially enjoy reading the writings of someone, like you, who has learned the craft of writing and practices it so well.

    You are a story teller. This probably comes partially from your years as a news broadcaster. You and I share some similarities in our professional media careers, but differ in that you choose the more traditional employment path and I chose the entrepreneurial, self-employment path. Yet, even though we’re a continent apart, I feel a certain kind of connection.

    Thanks for being my inspiration this morning as I sit next to My McVansion by a beautiful, secluded lake in north central Florida. Now you have a new home on wheels thanks to a series of unexpected events. Soon you’ll be out biking the trails again. Isn’t life surprising and remarkable?

    Live free and be happy…

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