In Getting Sh*t Done, Road Trip!

At the risk of regretting this tomorrow, I am hereby declaring May as Clean Slate Month (a day late, of course). I don’t like going public with this, but I need to step it up. Care to join me in the challenge?

It’s all about getting All The Things off your plate that have been weighing you down—for me, that means finances, clutter, lack of exercise, and that daily writing habit I never seem to develop. We will spend time every day in May on each of these, so that by June, we have a clean slate on which to write whatever we want.

We will start very small, so we don’t get overwhelmed and give up. As long as you are moving forward in each area you’ve chosen every day, your challenge is a success.

Here’s what I plan to have done by June first:

  • The bills are paid off
  • A savings plan is begun
  • My stuff is pared down to just what I will need for my big road trip in the fall
  • I am exercising every day
  • I am writing/journaling daily

I plan to write a short blog post here every day to say what I have (or haven’t!) accomplished as well as share tips and inspiration.

This all sounds very optimistic but I know it’s going to be one of the toughest challenges I’ve ever taken on (including that time I rode a bike 300 miles in four days). I know that I will decide to give up several times a day. I will yell at myself for ever writing this damn blog post. (In fact, I’m debating clicking the Publish button right now.) But I know that when it’s all over, I’ll be glad I did it. And so will you.

Imagine not having unpaid bills or unfinished tasks weighing you down. Imagine having a clutter-free home where you and your family can truly relax and enjoy each other. Picture yourself running up the stairs, full of energy, because you’ve been exercising every day. Think of what you’ll do with all the words you will have written–an ebook, perhaps?

If you want company, join the Getting Sh*t Done Facebook group, where we post what we’re gonna do,  go do it, and come back to say what we did. We cheer each other on and make new friends in the process—we make getting shit done FUN.

Want to take the challenge? Let me know in the comments what you’ll commit to for your clean slate—what do you want off your plate by June 1?

You can do eet!

p.s. Need some tips, strategies, and inspiration to help you get going? Check out my Kindle book, Getting Sh*t Done: How to Stop Procrastinating, Let Perfectionism Go, & Harness Your Creative Superpowers (you don’t need a Kindle to read it—just download one of the free Kindle apps or read it on the Amazon site.)

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  • Susan Turnbull

    OMG! I am so there! In the last 48 hours left a job of 11 years (nothing to fall back on) and am packing to move – while throwing out over half the stuff in my place of 11 years and selling off the rest! If that isn’t a clean slate I do not know what is!

    • LaVonne

      Wow, good for you, Susan! And if you need support, you know where to come. It’s gonna be a tough month, so we’ve got to be here for each other. *hugs*

  • Phyllis

    What a great idea!

    • LaVonne

      Thanks Phyllis, I’m regretting it already, lol!

  • Lizzie Lou

    Great idea and great timing. I will: sort out our finances, declutter my parts of the house and motivate the others to do theirs, exercise for 10 minutes a day (I am incredibly unfit) and write for half an hour every day. I will try really really hard to start painting the walls that I have cleared and cleaned as well!

    • LaVonne

      Awesome, Lizzie! So glad you’re joining me; misery loves company, after all. 🙂

  • Reply

    Applause for your intentions. I’m in the “will do my best to succeed” mode. Go, Everyone!

    • LaVonne

      Go, Kathy!

  • Diane Overcash

    I’m in. I have a few things in mind already.

    • LaVonne

      Yay, so glad you’re joining us, Diane!

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