In Thoughts

Birdy Diamond, Roving Robin & Paranormal DivaHey, there, #CustomerLove-rs!

How is it going in this Time Between Challenges?

For me, some serious progress has been made! While there is a tech hiccup or two, Mike & I have a new site up, with content, a sales page, and so many free-flowing ideas and excited happiness that I just can’t tell you! 🙂

By the by, if you’ve been feeling a bit stressed out lately and in need of some relaxed time for fun and replenishment, and/or an excuse to indulge in some ‘hobby time’, you might want to check out my ‘Creating Time‘ sessions and see if they are for you. A little guided meditation, some great company, and the perfect excuse to take time for you!

How about you?

Has your week been full of Awesome? Not so much? Somewhere in between?

Tell me in the comments. 🙂

The Challenge

LaVonneEllis -When you start to doubt yourself, think, “What do I need to hear right now?” And say that to your people. They need it too. #customerlove

The Qs from Sunday’s Tweetchat, placed for your perusal.

Topic: What’s stopping you?

  • Q1. What does your ideal day look like?
  • Q2. What does your day look like now?
  • Q3. If your real day doesn’t look like your ideal day, why not?
  • Q4. What do you need to change to have the life you want?
  • Q5. What’s stopping you?
  • Q6. What resources and help do you need to get unstuck?

The Qs from Tuesday’s Tweetchat, provided for your pondering.

  • Q1. What’s stressing you out about your biz?
  • Q2. What would make you more relaxed?
  • Q3. If you had the chance to pamper your biz, what would you do?
  • Q4. What’s one thing you could change to reduce your stresses?
  • Q5. Is your to-do list too long?
  • Q6. How can you trim your to-do list down to a manageable level?

The Qs from Saturday’s Skype Call (insert alliteration of choice here! :-D)

Martin Stellar dropped by and gave what I hear is a fantastic chat. 🙂 I, alas, had a bit of a brain fart and missed the call, but by all reports a grand and useful time was had by all!

Audio: Be on the call or talk to LaVonne if you’d like a copy of the recording. 🙂


  • SilverMagpies, being the awesome person that she is, is compiling a list of guest posting opportunities for and from people in CustomerLove. Contact her with your #CustomerLove related guestposting opportunities and she will add you to the list. Looking for places to write? Go here to take a look at the list so far.
  • Ryah Albatros is looking for short pieces about information management to include in “Erudition“, part of “Information Junkies Anonymous”. “Erudition” is a fantastic mini-mag that comes out once a week. Here’s this week’s issue.
  • Lisa Valuyskaya & Colin Beveridge are offering to help #CustomerLove participants in any way that they can. If you’d like to join in the helping goodness, add your name and skills into the comments and I’ll add your name in the list next time. :>
  • Deva Coaching’s Sandi Amorim is looking for peeps for her #FF spotlights. Shoot her a message on Twitter to find out more and to volunteer to be spotlighted.
  • Peggie Arvidson is offering free-for-publishing-rights hand readings which can help you get in right with your biz & your life. Go here for the details, requirements, and to sign up.


Free chats hosted by #CustomerLove peeps:

The Fabulous (that’s you!)

The Fabulous Offers (from you & for you!)

  • “Ask A Designer” is going strong over at Lisa Valuyskaya’s‘Idea Stylist’. Check out her posts and feel free to join in the Question-asking Goodness!
  • And speaking of asking, Tisha Berg is offering to answer Qs “regarding copywriting, blogging, social media or internet marketing”.  Check out the details here and ask away!
  • SilverMagpies has a delightful free-for-addy e-book on “Every Day Best”, great advice on you should take your treasures out of storage and use them in your everyday life, instead of hoarding them like a dragon on their treasure pile.
  • Colin Beveridge is offering a “Silly Questions Amnesty”. Free email mini-consults on any area of math.
  • Claire Tompkins is offering a seven-part e-course on “7 Steps to Getting Organized”. Just received the first part recently, and it is good stuff! Sign up here.

The Fabulous Products (from you talented folks out there in #CustomerLove Land!)

  • My first session of  ‘Creating Time‘, my crafting circle for overstressed entrepreneurs is tomorrow at 8p Eastern. Sign up here to be in on the fun from the beginning! :>
  • Artist Emily Rose has space on her calendar for two people to receive a website re-build/design, one in July and one in August, which can also include copywriting and stuck-busting. Cost is $350.00 USD, and can be up to 70% barter (check with her for a list of Useful Trade Goods).  If you are interested, contact her at emilyrose theartist at gmail dot com , subject line – #customerlove website barter offer.
  • Linda Eaves has an e-book up over at Makeness’ site: “Good Intuition, Good Business”. Get the deets here, but don’t wait too long, as this book is only available until July 5th, 2011.
  • Deanna Lohnes has a e-book out: “Down & Dirty Guide to HR for Very Small Business” for when “your biz of one is ready to take on a new hire”. She adds “As a thank you for all your support, I’d like to offer you all 5$ off. Use the coupon code customahlovah at check out. Hit me up of you have questions about the guide or HR issues in general.”
  • LaVonne Ellis is dishing up the fab “CustomerLove Cookbook” in both visual and audio versions. Be sure to get yours and start loving on your customers even more!

Flying Away (but not for long!)

That’s it for this time.
I’ll catch you on the wing!

If you have anything you’d like me to add to my next report, here’s how to contact me:

  • Twitter: @EncouragingBird
  • Skype: Birdy.Diamond
  • E-mail: Birdy at-the-fantabulous-site-known-as Crow Tarot Tours dot-com-baby! (Edit accordingly. ;-D)

Help me help you spread that #customerlovin’ goodness!

Yours in #CustomerLove & BACON,
Birdy Diamond, Roving Robin & Paranormal Diva! :>

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