In Complete Flakery

I jumped into this Complete Flake thing without really thinking about what a huge subject it is. And now I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed because — well, it’s a huge subject. I need to get organized about getting organized!

So here are some broad subject areas that I’ll be covering. I’ve included some strategies I have developed over the years for getting things done in spite of myself, and will expand on them in future posts.

  • Simplify. This is the single most important thing you can do to reduce stress and flakiness in your life. I’ve done it by living frugally so I don’t have the stress of trying to earn money I don’t need. Of course, now we’re back in stress mode because I’m learning how to start a business. Something will have to go. Some things already have.
  • Procrastination. As a lifelong–you might even say PROFESSIONAL–procrastinator, I’ve learned that a lot of things don’t need to get done at all. That’s the good news. The bad news is, you’re never sure which is which until one blows up in your face. And let’s be honest: There are some things you just can’t get out of — you have to bite the bullet. Procrastination really is nothing more than a bad habit. They say the best way to break bad habits is to create new ones to replace them. We’ll see how THAT goes.
  • Get help. Invest in the tools that will make tasks easier — or eliminate them altogether. Or pay someone to do some tasks for you. Learn to delegate! I’m lovin’ this one.
  • Reminders. Flakes are notoriously forgetful. We need to have a strong, simple reminder system in place that is easy to use. And there’s nothing like a to-do list to keep you on track — as long as you remember to check it and actually do the items on it! [I speak from bitter experience here.] I’ve started using Dragon NaturallySpeaking [affiliate link], not only to dictate my writing, but also for my to-do lists — and even idea/brain dumps. Now I always keep a page open for this purpose. [By the way, if you have an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad [lucky you], there’s even a free Dragon app!] When I’m away from the computer, I’ve begun to use my cell phone’s voice memo function to ‘jot down’ ideas, to-do list items, etc. Again, remembering to actually listen to them later and write them down is the hard part.
  • Resistance. We flakes hate being told what to do, even by ourselves. Orders and schedules just make us resist. So we have to find ways to trick ourselves into doing what’s best for us.One way I’m getting past my resistance is by doing something I don’t like to do while waiting for something else I do like. For instance, while dinner is cooking, instead of going back to the computer, I’ll do the dishes. Or a few yoga poses. Even push-ups. Then, I get a nice reward at the end: dinner. Not to mention a clean kitchen and more upper body strength.
  • Time management. The biggest time sink of all is the television set. Turn it off, or at least declare no-TV zones in your home and on the clock. The Internet is another black hole; I am a total mouse potato. Set a timer if you have to, in order to remind yourself to stop surfing and get to work. E-mail can be another huge time waster. Unsub unnecessary subscriptions and memberships. And then there’s the phone. Long calls from friends and family are becoming the bane of my life as I try to focus on building my business. This deserves a post all its own.

Those are the main areas I’ll be covering for now. Eventually, I will also want to talk about decluttering, losing weight and getting fit, and how to squeeze all that into everything else because it’s ALL CONNECTED, baby. All of it.

Is there anything I’ve missed that you’d like to see discussed? Problems with getting things done that are driving you up a wall? Tips? Let me know in the comments below.

Photo credit: Nicholas Todd
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Showing 17 comments
  • Trece

    Decluttering, losing weight and getting fit – what are you, my on-line twin??!! Looking forward to your take on it all. I never realized that I was a flake. Is this gonna be like being a Goonie?

  • thevirtualorganizer

    Is that your desk? It's lovely!

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Well, speaking of flakes — I missed your comment until now, I'm sorry about that. It does sound like we have a lot in common. Goonies — I remember seeing that movie a long time ago, but I don't remember what it was about. It's a good name though.

  • LaVonne Ellis

    I wish! No, it's a stock photo of my dream desk. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Barbara

    Er, what's growing on that dream desk? Something that escaped from my kitchen perhaps?

    Wonderful site, LaVonne.


  • LaVonne Ellis

    Heh, well I think it's grass. Looks pretty, doesn't it?

  • agasaya

    I don't want a desk I have to mow ๐Ÿ™‚

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Heh, well if it was wheatgrass, you could cut it with a scissors, juice it
    and drink it. Think of the vitamins! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Marlene Hielema

    Love the Mouse Potato line! That describes me completely! I have almost given up on TV except for a couple of shows and the occasional newscast. Now TV is my escape from work, as I'm always in forums and Twitter. I just heard that people are now spending more time online than watching TV. I'm definitely one of those.

  • Karen J

    Happy Monday, LaVonne!

    I've got to repeat what Trece said ~ Have you been reading my mind??!!

    Something about your very first comment on Mark Silver's blog
    drew over me here – The title of this post, I'm thinking!
    I'm excited to see that I am so-o-o not 'the only one' with seriously stuck spots!

    To add to the 'where *do* I find the time?' list:
    ~ spiritual practice (of some sort)
    And a topic suggestion –
    The differences and similarities between “artistic”, “ADD” and “flakey” –
    me, I go back-and-forth between them at the speed of light!

    Looking forward to exploring more here! Glad I found you.

    Bright Blessings!
    Karen J

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Heh, TV CEO's must be shaking in their boots.

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Thanks for visiting, Karen. I promise I have not been reading your mind!

    Thanks for the excellent topic suggestions. I have a terrible time getting
    myself to do yoga, which is my spiritual practice, even though I absolutely
    love it. Makes no sense. And yes, a discussion of the differences and
    similarities between artistic, ADD, and flaky would be very interesting. I
    bet it would really create some action in the comments, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Heh, well if it was wheatgrass, you could cut it with a scissors, juice it
    and drink it. Think of the vitamins! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Marlene Hielema

    Love the Mouse Potato line! That describes me completely! I have almost given up on TV except for a couple of shows and the occasional newscast. Now TV is my escape from work, as I'm always in forums and Twitter. I just heard that people are now spending more time online than watching TV. I'm definitely one of those.

  • Karen J

    Happy Monday, LaVonne!

    I've got to repeat what Trece said ~ Have you been reading my mind??!!

    Something about your very first comment on Mark Silver's blog
    drew over me here – The title of this post, I'm thinking!
    I'm excited to see that I am so-o-o not 'the only one' with seriously stuck spots!

    To add to the 'where *do* I find the time?' list:
    ~ spiritual practice (of some sort)
    And a topic suggestion –
    The differences and similarities between “artistic”, “ADD” and “flakey” –
    me, I go back-and-forth between them at the speed of light!

    Looking forward to exploring more here! Glad I found you.

    Bright Blessings!
    Karen J

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Heh, TV CEO's must be shaking in their boots.

  • LaVonne Ellis

    Thanks for visiting, Karen. I promise I have not been reading your mind!

    Thanks for the excellent topic suggestions. I have a terrible time getting
    myself to do yoga, which is my spiritual practice, even though I absolutely
    love it. Makes no sense. And yes, a discussion of the differences and
    similarities between artistic, ADD, and flaky would be very interesting. I
    bet it would really create some action in the comments, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

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