In Thoughts

LaVonne has promised to let me loose from her radiator if I write this and make it funny. It’s a conspiracy.

It seems I’m destined to be locked here forever, but I’ll try.

Interview Conspiracy

On Twitter Friday night, about 3 am (I could be wrong about that, but it was in the middle of the night) LaVonne mentioned something about trying to get my personality transplanted because she was sick of mine. (I may have misread that tweet…) I had just finished listening to all the customer love interviews so I started a conversation with her. It went something like this (this may not be entirely accurate…)

Me: You know I don’t sleep, right? You wanna interview me sometime?

Her: No.

Me: Okay, but it’s gonna be scattered cause that’s the way my brain works. Ever seen someone interview Robin Williams? Yeah, that.

Her: I said no, I don’t speak elf. But I actually did ‘interview’ Robin Williams, so I do speak crazy.

Me: Horseshit.

She then went and wrote a whole blog post about it to prove me wrong (me and three or seventy-two other people may have actually asked her to hear the story). You can read that here: Interview with Robin Williams. Tell me if I’m the only one that actually visualized that whole scene in my head without one problem. And I really wish I had video of that. I’m sure she does, too.

What this has to do with Customer Love: Nothing. It’s a conspiracy.

Directory Conspiracy

Have you made plans to get into the directory that Laura Espinosa (@thecopycorner) of is putting together? If not you can read about it in yesterday’s report.

Why this is a conspiracy: It isn’t.

Goal Conspiracy

Kirsten from is offering up three more 100 day goals – that’s a lot of soccer. Apparently she will talk to you for a one hour consult wherein you will shape your goal and discuss how best to get you there. Then she’s gonna stalk your emailbox for 100 days with a specific task for each day to accomplish your goal.

That’s a great offer because most soccer fans can’t get 100 tasks out of their favorite player. If you’re interested just shoot her an email at with the words “100 Day Goal” in the subject line and she’ll contact you to schedule your consult.

Why this is a conspiracy: Because people on the other side of the pond call soccer ‘futbol’, whatever the hell that is – that’s a conspiracy right there, I don’t care who you are.

Facebook Conspiracy

The first link of the people here is normally their Twitter link – the second (and/or third) is their Facebook page.

I’m sure I’ve missed two or seventy-three people there. If I’ve missed you just cyber-kick me in the head.

Why this is a conspiracy: Because it’s Facebook – I’m sure there’s a conspiracy there somewhere.

Contest Conspiracy

Melissa Dinwiddie (who has the funnest last name to say on the face of the planet – I aimlessly roam around whispering Dinwiddie, Dinwiddie, Din…my wife is firmly convinced I’ve finally snapped completely) has announced a winner for her thriving artists project!

You can read all about it here: Thriving Artists Project Update wherein she describes her super-technical method of choosing the winner. And the winner? Amy Crook (@amysnotdeadyet) Congratulations Amy!

Why this one is a conspiracy: Because the super-technical method involved a hat. Kirsty (@kirstymhall) did a whole thing about hats. Kirsty’s name was drawn out of the hat.

Just sayin’…

More Contest Conspiracy

Christy Smith (@thinkblotcom) has announced a winner for her contest. You can read about that one here: Thinkblot Contest Winner

Why this one is a conspiracy: Because it’s a contest. I haven’t had time to delve into this one, but I’m sure there was a conspiracy involved. And because I didn’t win I’m stuck with my Hello Kitty portrait.

Elf Conspiracy


That’s it for this weekend. Continue to read the posts and implementing the insanely good advice you find here (except mine – that would be counter-productive). If there is anything you would like in next weekend’s update just let me know.

If you need motivation or just want to work out some stuff in your head you don’t even know is there here is my tip for the week: Go to Peter Shallard’s website here: Peter Shallard and scroll down toward the bottom. In the right sidebar is a little ebook called ‘Seek & Destroy’ – download it. It’s free and absolutely, hands-down one of the best books I’ve read about busting out of a rut when you don’t know what’s causing it. It has changed my mindset and business model. Seriously – do that.

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  • Melissa Dinwiddie

    Hey Roger! Thanks for the mention, but I’m extremely distressed that you cracked my hat/Kirsty conspiracy! Power mongers spent weeks behind closed doors conspiring to make Kirsty’s name come out of that hat, and now their plans for world domination are shattered, all because of a %$*@%& elf!

    Well, actually, no skin off my nose. The power mongers don’t usually include me in their plans. So perhaps we’re all better off…

    Go elves!

    Anyway, glad you like whispering my name. My crush has deepened dramatically.

    • Roger

      Hey Melissa,

      Sorry, me and power mongers rarely get along. Us elves cook up conspiracies so well that we can spot one a mile away. It’s a miracle we have not yet gone into politics.

      I tried to explain that to my wife. “Just say it…Dinwiddie…it’s fun!”

      *blank stare*

      “Nevermind.” See, I’ve been married long enough to know when to shut the hell up and walk away.

  • Colin Beveridge

    We call soccer football because it involves a ball-shaped object being propelled largely by the feet. Coincidence? I think not! πŸ˜‰

    Also, Melissa’s surname is given a good run for its money by ex-footballers Jermaine McSporran and Colin McGlashan.

    • Roger

      See? And they get all defensive about it, too. Further proof of said conspiracy! πŸ˜€

      Hmmmm, McSporran, McGlashan, yup. Now I’ll go drive my wife absolutely insane. Thanks!

  • Ryah Albatros

    Well, personally I prefer rugby. Big strapping men, without the aid of protection enhancements, thud into each other with gusto. Sometimes they even have a fight! Roll on February and the Six Nations! Until then I still have a weekend of Autumn Internationals to keep me going.

    • Roger

      Hey Ryah, big strapping men do absolutely nothing for me, sorry. If that game actually had rules one could figure out I may actually watch it. πŸ˜€

  • Kirsten

    Thanks for the mention! And I’m down to two more 100 Day Goals, because Colin’s claimed one. πŸ˜€

    • Roger

      See! Colin gets everything. Are you helping him with math?

  • Christy Smith

    Thank you for the kind shootout again dear Elf. I’m sorry my contest didn’t work out for you, but I’m quite certain you’re attached to your Hello Kitty portrait now no matter what you say. πŸ˜‰

    • Roger

      Yup, sadly enough I am. πŸ˜‰ I hope your contest worked out for you? That’s what’s important.

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