In 100 Pounds, Thoughts

Now that the big road trip is over, I’ve been wondering what to do with myself… which has led to some unsettling conclusions. I mean, I thought I had a plan, and then another plan, but now I’m not so sure.

When I hit the road last April, the idea was to write a book about the trip. I figured I could cobble together any blog posts that came out of it, add some extra thoughts that would give a point to it all, and badda boom: Kindle book. But I couldn’t come up with a point. It was just a trip, after all, a good one but hardly a vision quest.

Then, toward the end (somewhere in Oregon, I think), I got a brilliant idea: I could do a podcast! About the housing crisis! And why so many people are living in vans, RVs, and cars! I could interview people and experts (who are also people but you know what I mean) and act like a real journalist!

That idea impressed all my friends — and me too, frankly. But now that I should actually start working on it, I realize that it involves a lot of stuff I don’t really enjoy, like asking strangers for interviews and doing a ton of research.

If I don’t enjoy something, I don’t stick with it very long. I know this about myself.

Also, and this may sound off-topic but bear with me

I have gained twenty pounds on this trip. I planned to lose twenty pounds while I traveled, but nooo. I was already eighty pounds overweight, so you do the math. One hundred pounds. It’s painful to say that.

Ugh. I hate being fat, I really do. Body positivity is great and all, but this is uncomfortable and embarrassing and really bad for my health. Yet, I can’t seem to stick to a normal, healthy diet for even one hour. (Last time I stuck with an UNhealthy diet for several days I wound up in the hospital, so that’s out.) As for exercise? Fuhgeddaboudit.

I have wanted to write about this for years but I feel so much shame about it that I’ve always pushed it aside. The idea of going public about trying to lose weight, and then publicly failing (as I always do), is terrifying.

But I have to do something

I have high blood pressure which has led to two strokes in one year. Luckily, I recovered and medication has it under control, but I want to get off the meds. The only way to do that is to lose weight and exercise (did I mention that I hate sweating?)

So, I guess that’s it, then. I’ll have to write about this new journey if I want to have even a chance of succeeding. Something about putting it in words and sharing it with friends sounds like it might work.

Don’t expect an inspiring success story

I will just chronicle what I try, what works and more likely, what doesn’t. And I promise to be honest.

Oh God, now I’m thinking it would make a good podcast. Somebody stop me!

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