In Complete Flakery, Make Customers Love You

One week from today, we start another four-week round of delightful insanity. Except the #customerlove craziness has already begun Chez Flake.

First: Welcome, Ittybiz peeps!

My guest post about the first #customerlove challenge just went live. Can I just say, SQUEEE? Naomi Dunford has been so incredibly generous and kind — promoting the first challenge on Twitter, doing an interview with me, writing an introduction to the Customer Love eBook, and now publishing my guest post. Makes me a little verklempt just thinking about her. :sniff:

Thank you, Naomi!

Now: BIG NEWS! [In case that wasn’t big enough.]

The amazing Chris Anthony, aka @etherjammer the Delightineer, has graciously agreed to join me in running the challenge! That big sigh of relief you hear is me. Because these challenges are a LOT of work — that I love, don’t forget, but the chances of something going terribly wrong or me winding up in a quivering heap on the floor are now much less.

Thank you, Chris!


We have a new website, just for #CustomerLove! [So many exclamation points!] It’s a bit of a mess over there right now, but this is your sneak peek. Feel free to drop in during the next week to watch our progress. Lots of fun stuff in the works! We officially launch the site next Monday, November 1st.

In the meantime, you can sign up for the #customerlove challenge here. You’ll get all the updates that way, no matter where we are in the site transition, as well as the Customer Love eBook.

[And if you can’t take part in the challenge this time, go ahead and download the ebook right here: {filelink=1} — you don’t even have to opt in. See how much I love you?]

That doesn’t mean the Flake will be abandoned during the challenge, btw, just that #customerlove sorta took over this place last time and I worried that my flakes were being neglected. So I’ll still be blogging here about flaky goodness, though just once a week during the challenge.

Continuing the neglect [but not for long]…back to #customerlove news:

I’m going to hold one-hour tweet chats on Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific time during the challenge. It starts tomorrow, so we can all do our pre-challenge planning together. Hope I see you there.

One last thing, if you’re new here, you may not know about the Stuckbuster Sessions. They’re a great way to get unstuck at whatever you need to be working on — like that Thing you’ll be launching at the end of the #customerlove challenge? Don’t forget that part!

So if that sounds intriguing to you, go on and take a look. I’ll be holding extra sessions just for you challengers. ๐Ÿ™‚

Phew — it’s going to be a busy month! Have you started planning for #customerlove yet? Tell me all about it in the comments below. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Showing 20 comments
  • Kirsty Hall

    Naomi is a mensch, I adore her.

    I’m still swithering about doing CustomerLove – what exactly would I have to DO? I’m wary of overcommitting myself because I never know how my health is going to be. ๐Ÿ™

    • LaVonne Ellis

      I want to be a mensch when I grow up. ๐Ÿ™‚

      I totally get your concern about overcommitting because of your health. I
      have similar issues, though not as severe. What — and how much — you do in
      the challenge is really up to you. We’ll offer ideas and share what others
      are doing, but there’s no requirement or commitment involved.

      Naomi’s post that inspired it all talks about being “ridiculously awesome”
      in one or more social networking venues. That leaves a lot of room for
      interpretation. We’ll be talking about that on the new site, and in the
      tweet chat tomorrow.

      Why don’t you come to the tweet chat and see what you think then? It’ll be
      at 5pm Pacific — pretty late, your time — so if you can’t make it, let me
      know and I’ll send a link to the transcript.


      • Kirsty Hall

        I think that would be midnight my time, if I’m up, I shall come along.

  • Dorothy Ray

    Hi Lavonne, I just read your guest blog on Ittybiz and came directly here. Of course I read her challenge blog at the time it came out, but just didn’t feel like I could DO ALL THAT.

    Still not sure, but loved reading your story. I, too, am a woman of a certain age, but not yet ready to spend my days in a rocking chair. (Prefer the recliner with laptop in lap.) So…I’m getting ready to download the ebook and read it first. Maybe I’ll join you this time. Would be nice to have buddies on such a scary trip.

    At any rate, I’m a #1 Naomi fan and have just subscribed to your blog, so I’ll be seeing you.

    • BirdyD

      Come join us!
      The more the merrier! ๐Ÿ˜€

      I totally hear you when it comes to the benefits of buddies on scary trips like these.

    • LaVonne Ellis

      Hi Dorothy,

      So nice to meet you! It sounds scary, but once you get into it you’ll find
      you’re having so much fun you’ll forget what all the fuss was about. ๐Ÿ™‚ And
      don’t forget, YOU get to decide how much you want to participate. There are
      no rules and no requirements. It’s all about what feels right for YOU.

      If you are on Twitter, I suggest that you join our first tweet chat tomorrow
      [Tuesday] at 5pm Pacific and see what you think. You can follow along and
      tweet questions using the hashtag #customerlove, or go to the chat room

      Hope to see you there!


  • Dawn Rotarangi

    Just wandered over from IttyBiz and my fingers are twitching with delight as I decide what to click on first. So many things and they all sound intriguing.

    If you’d just like to put a little StuckBuster in a bag and perhaps one or two of the TweetChats and, of course, a nice big CustomerLove – couldn’t manage without that – I’ll be able to pick and choose my favorites!

    • LaVonne Ellis

      Welcome, Dawn — I’m so happy to meet you!

      Help yourself, and don’t forget to download the Customer Love ebook while
      you’re at it. I haven’t put it in the sidebar yet, but you’ll find a
      download link here:

      Hope to see you in the challenge!


  • Patty K

    Hey LaVonne…

    Congrats on the Ittybiz guest post! Way to go!

    I have no idea what I’ll do…but I love the concept. So…I will play along this time. Yay for customerlove!

  • Eugen Oprea

    I am so excited about this!

    Looking forward to taking part in the #CustomerLove Challenge.


    • LaVonne Ellis

      Me too! Will you be at the tweet chat today? Probably a bit late for you,
      though. 5pm Pacific is 3am your time, isn’t it? Well, I’m thinking of doing
      a Ustream chat soon too. I’ll be sure to schedule it at a more reasonable
      time for you. ๐Ÿ™‚


  • Kirsty Hall

    OK, I’m in!

    I have no idea what I’ll be doing. I don’t know how I can love on my people harder than I already do but I’m sure I’ll be inspired by all you awesome peeps. I’m also doubtful that I can get another product together for the end of the challenge (I’ve already got something happening in the second week of November) but hey, who knows? But shit, if I didn’t do things just because I had doubts, I’d never get anything done…

    • LaVonne Ellis

      Awesome, Kirsty! I don’t know what I’ll be doing either, so we can figure it
      out together. ๐Ÿ™‚


  • Rdurantjr

    Gotta admit, I skipped #customerlove tweetchat because I was intimidated & didn’t know how they work. Then I read this:
    I think I can do that.

  • maz hawes

    Oh how I love this idea! And now I have a new favourite word, verklempt! I’m in, looking forward to Nov 1. Thankyou LaVonne x

  • Christy

    OK so I downloaded the last Customer Love PDF and was reading through it quietly on my computer… it’s about 11:15pm at night here, I’m home alone… I clicked to page 33 and that creature thing SCARED THE CRAP out of me.

    Just thought you might want to know, LOL.

  • Phyllis Nichols

    I’m IN! downloaded the ebook and going to ready it and get a game plan ready for Monday.
    LaVonne – thanks for doing this – you are truly amazing and inspire me to do more than I think I can!

  • Phyllis Nichols

    I’m IN! downloaded the ebook and going to ready it and get a game plan ready for Monday.
    LaVonne – thanks for doing this – you are truly amazing and inspire me to do more than I think I can!

  • SocialBeeOnline

    Sounds like an awesome challenge. Just what I needed at just the perfect time. I’m definitely in….

    Live with passion and purpose,

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