In Creativity, Fear, Procrastination, Road Trip!

This isn’t about living in a van, but then again it sort of is. Bear with me.

Have you heard of Steven Pressfield? He’s my hero and my writing guru. He’s written a whole stack of novels that I’ve never read (though I plan to) and in the past few years, some short books about writing and Resistance that I believe are destined to be classics: The War of Art, Do the Work, Turning Pro, and now, The Authentic Swing.

His blog, and especially his Writing Wednesdays posts, are especially helpful not just for writers but creatives of all kinds, including entrepreneurs or anyone trying to make something out of nothing. That’s what creativity is, after all.

Today’s post blew me away. He talked about the connection between Resistance and self-loathing — both of which have plagued me (and I’m guessing you too) for most of my life. What struck me most was this:

The apparition of Resistance is by definition a good sign, because Resistance never appears except when preceded by a Dream. By “dream” I mean a creative vision of something original and worthy that you or I might do or produce—a movie, a painting, a new business, a charitable venture, an act of personal or political integrity and generosity.

The dream arises in our psyche (even if we deny it, even if we fail to or refuse to recognize it) like a tree ascending into the sunshine. Simultaneously the dream’s shadow appears—i.e., Resistance—just as a physical tree casts a physical shadow.

That’s a law of nature.

Where there is a Dream, there is Resistance.

Thus: where we encounter Resistance, somewhere nearby is a Dream.

Quivera Basin jetty, San Diego

Quivera Basin jetty, San Diego

That’s what this vandwelling and (soon) traveling thing is all about for me. It’s about facing my Resistance and realizing a Dream I’ve had since I was a teenager: writing books. Why didn’t I do it sooner? Doesn’t matter, I’m doing it now.

You can too. Don’t give up just because you’re scared of Resistance. The stronger it is, the bigger the Dream. Let that knowledge give you strength to do battle with your demon too.

I’m going to be writing more about this along with my adventures, because they all tie together. Facing fear is part of adventure, after all.

Stay tuned.

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  • Lynn

    I understand this concept very well. For years I dreamed of owning my own business; I had a business plan, a marketing plan, a concept..everything but I just couldn’t quit my secure job which I was more then ready to leave. Well, the choice was made for me by life and I got laid off. I was sad for about 5 minutes and then thought “What have I got to lose at this stage” and jumped right into my own business. I just celebrated my first year at the end of June and I have never been happier with my working life. On all accounts, it has been a positive move. Sometimes, even when you have the dream and all your eggs lined up; something external will get you moving, once you start moving and the decision is made, the motivation takes over and the resistance disappears. Interesting how it works.

    • LaVonne Ellis

      What a great outcome to what might have been a disaster, Lynn. What business did you go into? Can’t tell from your website.

      • Lynn

        Hi – actually that is just a personal blog but I ended up selling medical equipment to different medical professionals. I work from a home office mostly so I am hoping that eventually I will be able to travel in a RV and continue to work. That is the plan anyway. Hope you are having fun on the road.

        • LaVonne Ellis

          Sounds like a great plan, Lynn! What’s your timetable?

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