In Adventures, Road Trip!

I just peed all over the beautiful, nearly new, toasty warm sleeping bag given to me yesterday by our fearless leader.

I have been fulltiming it in Quartzsite for nearly two weeks now. Many things have gone wrong — cold nights, food poisoning, a flat tire, a dead battery — and I am proud to have met them with humor and forbearance. But this is the low point so far.

I imagine that I will be able to joke about it eventually. Right now I am not laughing.

Here’s what happened: I awoke wrapped snugly in the bag, dangling in the hammock, with the familiar urge to piss. Yet I resisted out of habit. Just let me sleep a little longer, I pleaded with my bursting bladder, and drifted off again. And again. Until there was no resisting any longer.

I struggled with the zipper and the hammock, finally releasing myself from their grip. The urge was unbearable but I told Bladder to wait a little longer.

I shivered in the cold and fumbled for the light. I reached for Luggable Loo, positioning it so that I could stand up with my feet still in the warm sleeping bag. I stood, stooping in the four-foot-tall space, and turned to sit, anticipating a shock of cold when my bottom connected with the seat, and then, blessed relief.

But the top-heavy bucket tipped over, and in my panic to right it before it spilled, poor Bladder couldn’t take it any more.

The pee began to flow. I couldn’t turn it off.

I managed to right Luggable Loo and plunk myself on the seat to finish the job but it was too late.

Afterwards, I inspected the damage and tried to clean it up with a towel. The bottom third of the bag was soaked. A small puddle glistened on the purple yoga mat I use to insulate the floor.

The reek of urine now permeates my micro living space. It smells like humiliation.

Yes, I can wash the sleeping bag, yoga mat, and towel. The smell will go away. But this is not how I imagined my new life of adventure.

I’m not ready to give up the fight and slink back to sticks & bricks living, but I am bowed. Definitely bowed.

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  • Larry

    Lavonne, Sorry to hear of the issues you have encountered…You are DOING what I wish I could, but am unable to at this time…I just turned 65 so I understand the Sudden Urge to Pee, I have Peed on myself in Public Before, trying to get to a restroom.. NOT ANY FUN. People that do not have this weak bladder problem do not understand..When you reach the limit there is NO Holding it Back.. The problem arises when I am driving and no place to go pee, SO I started wearing a Depends when I am on the Road for more than 2 hours, Just in case. { I tried the cheap ones Depends works the best and yes If I Do Not soil them I place them in the Sun for a couple of hours and reuse them } They will leak a little if you over fill them , But will mostly keep you dry..When the weather is cold I wear loose fitting House shoes to bed { not so loose they come off my feet when I sleep } so when I get up my feet do not get cold..Anyway hang in there YOU will figure all this stuff out.. Old Guy

  • Kalani

    Girl, I totally have been through this but with a She-Wee (a portable device that gives us women the “man part” to pee with…kinda, it’s actually more like a too small funnel that doesn’t flow right!) We figured we wouldn’t get a potty, we’ll just pee in bottles…not this girl! After about a week of trying to use it, and always cleaning up in the middle of the night, we had to rip all of our carpet out of the entire van and start new with our bottom insulation pieces! Yes, I was super embarrassed but now I can laugh about it and now we have a potty…no more pee on the floor! haha
    I think you are doing great, don’t get discouraged…it’s only been two weeks lovely! You can do this and much much more…can’t wait to see you in Q! Right on

  • Kathy Sturtz

    I’m sorry for you’re little nighttime accident. But damn gal, you sure can spin a story so it lives alive and vibrant in written form.

    So, again, sorry for the experience but grateful for the read. Keep on rocking that path of yours!

    And, yes, you can quote me. ^*^

  • Lynn

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry! That is some story, common to all at some point. I admire your persistence, wonder about the “why” and feel for your discomfort. Women are always at a disadvantage in that area. There must be an easier setup for you. I am sure with time, things will become easier for you. I am enjoying your (mis)adventures though.

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