In Complete Flakery

Well, hello there! I’ll bet you thought this blog was dead. I thought so too, because I couldn’t decide what to do with it after I moved on to other things. But I finally figured it out, just this morning.

Think of The Complete Flake as my sandbox. This is where I’m going to play with new ideas.

This morning, I started a new routine. I meditated for ten minutes, did a few yoga stretches, and wrote for fifteen minutes. I can do more if I feel like it, totally up to me.

I’m doing this because I want to establish a new daily routine that supports both my health and my writing. If I start off the day positively and proactively instead of giving in to my food and internet addictions, the rest of the day has a much better chance of being productive. This way, I can build my self-confidence and self-respect.

Because thinking of myself as a hopeless flake at the mercy of my own bad habits is just a habit itself, after all. I don’t HAVE to see myself that way. I can CHOOSE a different self-image — like say, someone who loves to write, meditate and do yoga every morning, first thing. (And someone who loves healthy food and – well, loving exercise will take more work.)

And my first thought now is, Hmm, I wonder if is available? Ha! Another habit! Because I love me a brand new website to start from scratch. During yoga this morning, I was also thinking about starting a new Twitter hashtag for daily practice. But I must resist, not because either idea is bad. It’s only a question of mental bandwidth and whether I have any to spare. And I know that I don’t.

I’m questioning everything right now – decluttering my day and deciding where to put my focus. I know I can’t stop getting excited about new ideas, but how can I explore them without making public commitments that are embarrassing to back out of later, when I lose interest? (Sorry, but I told you I’m a flake.)

Well, that’s where The Complete Flake comes in handy. Now I can flit about from idea to idea as much as I like.

I like that. Hope you do too. 🙂


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  • Karen Caterson

    Wow! just came over here from Twitter, where I was giggling about your mama skills (the “asshole” tweet) — sounds like we have similar views on parenting,

    and now I see that we also share the excitement about new ideas thing – and recently started morning yoga & meditation – and question everything – ohmy! 

    I just had to subscribe so that I don’t miss any of the “Flaky goodness to come” – knowing that fellow Flakes exist, and being able to read “Flaky goodness” posts makes me feel good! Thanks!! 

    • LaVonne Ellis

      Hi Karen, thanks for visiting! I’m so glad you like flaky goodness. I just think of a croissant melting in my mouth and wonder how anyone could have a problem with flakiness. 🙂

  • Emily Rose

    Sounds like me! lol – In love with one idea and completely encompassed by it until the next wonderful idea that I fall in love with and then spend all my time on. Altho I admit, I often am in love with multiple ideas all at once and if I have too many I can’t concentrate on one enough to accomplish anything. To me, its simple part of being a multipassionate person!

    • LaVonne Ellis

      Thanks, Emily! I’m really looking forward to trying out stuff here, where it’s UNDERSTOOD that I might flake out because I’m a FLAKE, dammit. Takes a lot of pressure off, lol.

  • Carol Logan Newbill

    Sounds like a lovely idea to me.  A good practice.  Yay for you!

    • LaVonne Ellis

      Thanks Carol! It’s good to rev up the old flake site again. I’ve missed it.

  • Melissa Dinwiddie

    Yay LaVonne!

  • Melissa Dinwiddie

    Okay, that was *supposed* to say:

    Yay LaVonne! I love this new mindset that’s percolating — it looks very good on you! I hope you read Barbara Sher’s Refuse to Choose, because I have a sneaking suspicion it will help you reframe even more.

    As a Passion Pluralite (or as Sher calls us, a Scanner), you (like me) face certain challenges. But you also have special strengths that, up til now, have been viewed as weaknesses.

    You get really excited about new things! You are an idea factory! These are GOOD, though I know they’ve been painted as drawbacks.

    The trick is to figure out how to channel that multi-talented, super-fast mind of yours toward ends that make you feel good, and successful.

    I’m excited to see you slough off that old belief of yourself as a “flake.” Time for a new paradigm. 🙂


    • LaVonne Ellis

      Well, you realize, of course, that a lot of this percolation is thanks to you, right? I love thinking of myself as an idea factory! As far as the old belief of myself as a “flake,” I want to embrace it and give it a new definition. Croissants are full of flaky goodness – so is a fantastic pie crust. 🙂

      You get really excited about new things! You are an idea factory! These are GOOD, though I know they’ve been painted as drawbacks.

      I’m excited to see you slough off that old belief of yourself as a “flake.” Time for a new paradigm. 🙂

  • Sandi Amorim

    What we resist persists right? So I’m looking forward to what can show up now that you’ve stopped making your ‘flakiness’ wrong 😉

  • Barbara Martin

    Here’s to choices! 🙂

  • Jen

    I’m sat here, reading and commenting, laptop on my knee…realising that today was the day that I was going to meditate, do some exercise before I allowed myself on the laptop 🙂  ..the joys of ADD….I don’t have an internet or a food addiction  , just a freestyle mind that I rather enjoy :))  

    and a huge bum from lack of exercise :)) I agree…flakiness is an asset not a problem…so, what does it matter if not all ideas live long/complete ……at least you;re good enough to share them with the universe…and if you don’t; complete…well, so what ? you shared, someone else can pick up that idea from what you have done…I think the ideas thing , the lots of them all at once, is a gift, and its a process,letting all those ideas come, allowing them to fail until the stream slows down… clarifying, changing, moving through to stuff that eventually starts to stick…I might also add….the delivery of Customer Love for 12 months was a herculean feat, total amazeballs for doing that once, never mind half a dozen times :)) Had me wondering if you were a secret sorted organised person pretending to be a flake :)))flakiness is good..I like it…… mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahxx

    • LaVonne Ellis

      I never thought of it like that but you’re right, it’s the sharing that counts. Thank you for pointing that out.

      And no, I am NOT secretly organized! Why do you think I burned out? lol

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