Friday, June 15, 2018 – Lander, Wyoming
I have been here for several days now, thinking I would get some rest before moving on, but I’m still exhausted. And I am moving on tomorrow. It doesn’t make sense but I just want to keep going.
Actually, I’ve gotten to the point where I want to get this trip over with. I wish I could enjoy it more but I guess it’s gone on too long.
This morning, I got news that I need to be far from where I planned to be by August 15, which means I have to cut the trip short and miss seeing people I really want to see. No Arctic Circle, no visits with Minnesota relatives, or friends in Missouri, Texas, and New Mexico, sorry.
I’m sad about that, but I’m also relieved that I don’t have to keep going for an extra two or three months.
Clearly, I bit off more than I could chew.
What is it that is so tiring about travel?
Well, it could be the dog that wakes me up before six every morning demanding a walk. It could be my own habit of staying up until midnight or later. And it could be the mind-numbing hours of driving hundreds of miles in a day. I seem to need several days of recuperation after that. That’s what I get for getting old.
But it’s also the sameness
The landscapes are incredible but after driving for hours, they are just landscapes. The towns are quaint and lovely but in the end, they are just towns. I still have to find a grocery store, a laundromat, a place to shower, and a place to sleep in or near every town. That’s tiring too.
But it gets easier as I learn how to find the things I need
My Google app told me where to go to do laundry and I’m waiting for the dryer to be finished right now. I need to clean house a bit before bed and get to sleep early so I will have the energy to drive to Idaho tomorrow.
And don’t worry, I’ve got caffeine pills.
I find driving trips tiring too, so I try to only drive 4 hours a day and stop for 2 days which means that I don’t go far fast. Also, I find I need to go home in between trips so I don’t think I would make it as a full- timer.
Sounds like you might need a break from this trip. There is always tomorrow.
I did take a break for a couple of weeks. Now, I feel refreshed and ready to go again. 🙂 But I totally understand your need to go home in between trips. I find myself going back to San Diego at least once or twice a year, and staying for weeks or even months.