In Make Customers Love You

Three dozen roses

Last week was my wedding anniversary. You may have seen my Twitter update that I bought my wife three dozen roses. Of course she was super excited and I got to be a little bit more of her hero.

In light of the Customer Love challenge, I laughed later on imagining if the conversation had gone like this:

Me: Happy anniversary! I brought you something.
[I pull out the three dozen roses.] Her: OH! They’re beautiful! I love them!! Thank you so much, Baby!!
Me: I love being married to you and thought these would make your day.
[She reaches inside of her purse and pulls out her checkbook.] Her: How much do I owe you for them?

What a horrible response that would have been! Thankfully, this was NOT what occurred, nor (I’m sure) did the thought of monetarily reimbursing me ever cross my wife’s mind.

My gift was a way of giving her something she values and showing her how much I love her. To be sure, had she offered to repay me, it would have clearly indicated that she had missed the point.

I want to make sure we don’t miss the point with the Customer Love challenge.

DTR (Defining The Relationship)

Before all this talk of love starts to muddy the relationship waters, let’s do a little DTR. You know, that conversation where you make sure both sides agree where the relationship currently is and where it’s going.

Make no mistake, this is a business minded challenge.

However, the goal is not to make your customers just like you. It’s not to get them to agree to do business with you. It’s not even to get them to want to buy your product.

All of those things can be achieved (to varying degrees of success) through standard advertising practices. There are thousands of blog posts about how to do all of that.

You’re not here for that though.

This is a business relationship built on love.

You’re not here to scam the rich widow

You’re here to get your customers to fall in LOVE with you. That’s more than just doing business with you and way more than just buying your product. You could skip the love part if that was your goal.

And you’re not seeking false love because you’re not a scam artist. When you set your site on making your customers love you, it’s genuine. You’re not trying to woo the lonely rich widow in hopes of making off with her fortune before she knows what’s happened.

You’re a real person who is building a love based business relationship with other real people.

Why we’re choosing real love

Let me tell you why we’re choosing this love based business model.

  • Real people in love can’t help but want to be around their loved one.
  • Real people in love are constantly thinking of their loved one.
  • Real people in love tell everyone about their loved one.
  • Real people in love make being in love awesome.

Your goal is not that single transaction on day 29. It’s not a one-time spike in your bank account.

Your goal is to develop a long term relationship with your customer.

When you are successful with that, they can’t help but want to be around you. They think of you often and naturally tell others about you.

And best of all, they make being in business awesome!

Your challenge

Your challenge for the day is to give your customers your version of three dozen roses. Create something so wonderful and extravagant for them that it will knock their socks off. Give away something that you COULD charge for.

I understand that you are still in business, so I’m not advocating giving away your entire business or trade secrets. We are working towards a business goal of getting your customers to make a financial transaction. But before we get there, I am challenging you to give away something that your customers will value.

Give them a reason to fall in love with you.

Give away something valuable.

Remember, giving gifts is part of a loving relationship…which is our goal for this entire challenge!

PS – Some of you have done this in the past. Some of you have already started doing this as a result of the challenge. Awesome! Keep doing that and be encouraged to look for other ways to continue that practice. This love relationship is an ongoing thing. 🙂

Photo credit

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  • Marlene Hielema

    My customer love gift is a free digital camera buying guide. It will be out next Monday.

    • David Crandall

      Ooh! That has my attention!

      I do photography freelance and am always interested in what others have to say regarding best purchase decisions when it comes to cameras and camera paraphernalia. 🙂

  • Sylvia

    I will give everyone who does business at my studio this week some of my wine gift bags, for free! And maybe even next week, cause it’s so much fun to give things away.

    • David Crandall

      That’s cool! Does your studio have an online location or is it strictly brick and mortar?

  • Anonymous

    I’m working on a series of free brown bag lunches targeting my “right people” to give them tips on various things that will help them live healthier and happier lives. Maybe I can even figure out some give-aways for people who attend. I always like getting little gift bags . . .

    • David Crandall

      Who doesn’t! I love little gift bags. I would love to hear a report on how well those are received and any kind of feedback you get from people. I think it is a great idea and love the whole brown bag lunch seminars too!!!

  • Jen Gresham

    Love your example–you nailed it!

    I’m giving away free career design advice on my blog. I don’t want to be a “life coach,” I just want to help others benefit from my experience. And you know, it feels great!

    Enjoying this, David. And who says it has to end after a month? Certainly your marriage didn’t! 🙂

    • David Crandall

      Ok, now my computer screen is dripping with Coke. Busted out laughing at your last comment there!

      I love that you enjoy helping people. Please, please, please report back on what successes you see. We’d love to hear them and know how it went. It DOES feel great and it energizes me so much when I get to help others out.

      It has been awesome to see so many people who have the same type of commitment to their people!

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