In Make Customers Love You

“Everyone” or “Everyone ELSE”

We’re coming to the end of our 28-day challenge. You know that everyone is putting the final touches on their products and services. Everyone is stepping back and looking at their babies with pride. Everyone can’t wait for their launch day.

Or is it “Everyone ELSE”?

You may not have a product that you are ready to put out just yet. You’re sweating it. You’re getting anxious. You’re already mentally checking out of the challenge and telling yourself, “Next time.”

Ack! Don’t do that! Now is not the time to give up. Even if you have no product at all right now, don’t sweat it.

Instead, let’s focus and finish this strong!

No sweat, baby!

Even if you’ve realized that you have nothing completed, there is no stress. No worries. None of that. It’s counter-productive…and extremely unnecessary. Your customers need never know that you didn’t have a product less than one week before launch.

Here are the basic steps you’re going to use to pull together your product:

1. Focus on the fact that you know stuff other people want to know

This is very important. Keep this constantly in your mind; it’s important to the remaining steps (and your ongoing business).

2. Identify what your customers want

For a lot of people, this might be the hard part for them. Choosing! What if you get it wrong? What if nobody likes it? What if?

“What if” will kill your business and creativity! Give yourself the license to take your best educated guess at what YOUR people want. Remember Step 1!

If you get it wrong, you will not implode. The police will not come and cane you to death. The unicorns will not die!

You could agonize over this or you can decide to just choose something and stick with it come hell or high water. The worst case scenario is that you sell nothing. (If you think about it, you are CURRENTLY in the worst case scenario if you are already selling nothing. That means that choosing ANYTHING is an improvement!)

3. Decide which route you want to take

There are two basic options for what you can offer:

a. SHOW your customers how to do something (product)
b. DO that something for your customers (service)

Decide on whether you want to show your people how to do something or whether you want to do it for them. Basically you decide between providing information or a service.

Which one do you prefer? (Again, don’t forget Step 1!)

4. Do it

If you are providing a service, craft your offer. More than likely those of you providing a service aren’t stressed about this so I’m going to set that aside for a moment. 😉 (If you are stressed, shout out in the comments — there are a number of people here who are skilled in copywriting who would love to offer THEIR services to you!)

For those providing a product, let me tell you that it is not as hard as you think to create a simple (yet useful!) product. To test the process out, I worked with another blogger (Srini Rao) during this challenge to create an information product in less than 24 hours. We focused on providing information we knew that others did not. Then we provided a few tools for people to use so that they could act on that information.

Then we put it up for sale.

Then it sold!

(Trust me, this is an awesome feeling!!!)

Honestly, the best resource for how to do this quickly is available from Dave Navarro. Here’s how to get it:

1. Click here.
2. Sign up for Dave’s newsletter.
3. Read his FREE ebook, How To Start Making Real Money With Your Own Product In 3 Days.
4. Do what it says.

(Don’t start stressing now. Remember Step 1!)

Focus. Identify. Decide. Do.

That’s your formula!

Keep showing love

If you’re done with your product or service offer, then keep showing your customers love. If you have not completed your product, then take today and do it.

It’s NOT too late.

It’s NOT that hard.

You DO know stuff people want to know.

You ARE awesome!

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  • El Edwards

    Awesome advice as ever. My ‘thing’ had to get pushed back a week because one of us (no names!) forgot the date of our child’s fourth birthday and had to be reminded by our dad that the day of the webinar, the house would be full of people. But I’m taking huge comfort from the number of ‘eeek, I have no product yet!’ tweets and just trying to go with the flow.

    • David Crandall

      Ha! Yes, while a house full of people celebrating a fourth birthday would be different, it may not be JUST the thing you are looking for. 😀

  • Anonymous

    I want to add a few things to what David has said here. I have to say that it is kind of a rush to see that people want to buy your stuff. David, you forgot to mention our criteria for success. We said if one person buys the thing it’s a success. That way there’s no pressure. Also, the product doesn’t have to be this huge ordeal and take countless hours to put together. My recent mini product took me 2 hours to put together and I got 3 sales at $10.00 each. So,yeah it’s not a fortune. But that’s not the point of your first product. David and I recorded that teleclass almost 3 weeks back and it still brings in revenue every week. The work we’ve put into it since? Zero hours. It’s a true passive income stream. If your passive income stream generates $30.00 a month, at the end of the year that $360.00. Don’t worry about creating a masterpiece. I even goofed and threw the undedited version of our telelcass in the initial downloads. Nobody asked us for a refund and I got to do some consulting for some people for free and connect with some people. As David said, get every one of Dave Navarro’s free resources.

    • David Crandall

      I seriously don’t think people believe us that it was as easy as we said. Granted, while the actual product creation was very quick…the knowledge acquisition takes a long time. But everyone reading this has acquired knowledge about something that others want to know.

      Plus, how fun was it to see that thing come to life!!!

  • eagledove11

    Terrific post David !
    Great reminders for everyone including ‘get rid of the guilt’ !!
    Thank you!

    • David Crandall

      Guilt never serves a purpose when you are trying to be creative. My motto with guilt is to accept the situation, make amends, move on.

      Oh wait, we’re talking about product creation, aren’t we. 😉

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