In The Daily Nudge

Did I say the Daily Nudge would land in your inbox every MORNING? Silly me. How about every DAY, will that do? No?

Crap. I knew the day was getting away from me when I saw the first neighbor walking across the desert wash for a little visit. And the second one an hour or so later. My rule has always been that people are more important than whatever I was planning to do, but I think the rule needs refinement:

People are important but I don’t get to use them as an excuse to procrastinate.

Now it’s late afternoon and I have gotten almost nothing done.

Except the necessary stuff, of course, like brushing my teeth, walking the dog, feeding the dog, and feeding myself. A few short weeks ago, walking and feeding the dog were not on my ‘necessary’ list. I didn’t have a dog then. Now I do. My definition of ‘necessary’ expanded. It’s time to expand it again, to include the Nudge — in the morning.

Have you ever noticed that the necessary stuff somehow gets done in spite of your best procrastinating efforts?

What’s on your ‘necessary’ list? Can you expand it, just a bit, to include something you truly want/need to get done?

And if you could use some extra nudges, you know who to call.

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  • Al Christensen

    Yes! If it didn’t get done it probably wasn’t necessary. Or at least not yet. I once saw a show about gorillas. What did they do all day? Eat… nap… eat… nap… mate… nap… eat…nap… It got me thinking, gorillas seem to have it made (except for the poacher problem). What’s all this other crap taking up my life? Is it really necessary? So I started dropping things from my culturally-implanted mental to-do list. There was way less to be anxious about getting done, way less to beat myself up about. Maybe the first step in getting sh*t done is to trim the list of sh*t that needs to get done.

  • LaVonne Ellis


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