In Make Customers Love You

Oh, how I love this challenge! Probably because I love challenges. Quite probably because it is new and refreshing. And probably because we’re all united in one single endeavor: idea-gathering, thoughts-exchanging, all while we continue to drum our own marketing beat.

Tribal – this is where it’s at these days.

It’s all the rage, the latest craze, the new age of business and networking.

It’s an exhilarating concept: march to your own tune, yet always have an ear out to see if you can hear a sound that could compliment yours. Meet that distant piper, exchange a wink and a smile, no words needed – then continue marching. You know you’re in good company, yet you dance your dance in front of different gatherings.

These gatherings, my friends, are where we all love to hang out the most!

Where we play our sweetest tunes and perform our craziest moves.

Because these gatherings are made up of our beautiful, time-dedicating, supportive and appreciative customers.

Have we not all seen it happen?

An inspired artist on stage can make someone’s world disappear, suddenly they sing ‘shaalalalaa’ and grin from ear to ear while their feet whip happily up and down. We love to be entertained. We love it when the entertainment is clever and fast-paced.

And we especially love it when the guy sitting next to us is chosen to go on stage for some funny stunt!

Our customers are our tribe; they dictate what beat your marketing drum is banging out to them. Sure, they love that distant piper they can hear. Yeah, it’s a really sweet tune that. But honestly, for them it’s all about you. You’re the star of the show. The sound magician. The real deal…


But doesn’t it happen that your gathering’s affection is sometimes fleeting, often easily distracted?

What if you run out of sparkle?

What if that piper changes her tune? Out of tune with you but caressing the hearts of your audience.

So, to ensure you’re the undisputed leader of the festival, here is what you do:

  • you give your loyal fans access to special discounts on upcoming shows and festivals;
  • you maintain an online library, freely accessible, containing your most treasured song sheets;
  • you feature new musical talent on your own stage (or, in a dedicated profile on your website);
  • you hand out free backstage VIP passes to everyone with a genuine interest in you and your business;
  • you allow the daring peeps in your audience the walk of fame (as guest writers for your blog);
  • you compile your greatest hits (or, greatest podcast/webinar moments) on a CD and post it out to 50 of your long-term followers, complete with hand-designed album cover and thank you card;
  • you always say ‘thank you’ for comments, feedback, business.

No sales talk. No ‘speak to my record company and you get 50% off’. Just plain, selfless giving a gift of value to the people who love your moves!

And that distant piper? That luscious lady whose tunes lured you to her for a march together? She knows why she’s chosen to march with you. Because you, and only you, know the sweet sound of customer love.

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  • Ryah Albatros

    I’ve sometimes felt overwhelming pressure to keep coming up with the goods, and still do. Running out of sparkle is always at the back of my mind.

    Your action points are an excellent antidote, especially always saying thank you to your customers. That can go a long way to polishing up the sparkle when it starts to dim.

    • Kat Csengo

      Dear Ryah, thank you for your feedback. I believe things shouldn’t be overly complicated, that leads only to one thing: burnout. Instead, keep it simple and real. Stick with what YOU can do best, give thanks and little surprises. That goes a long way.

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