In Customerlove for Japan

So the other day I moseyed into the first ever CustomerLove Skype chat (I was late, by the way) expecting to hear about business plans, bacon and e-book launches. Boy, was I wrong…and pleasantly surprised, too.

NOT that there’s anything wrong with those things. I love business plans, bacon and e-books. But this other thing was so very inspiring. Keep reading, you’ll see…

We’ve all been struck by the horrors our Japanese neighbors and friends are dealing with. Everyone in the group has had a pressing urge to do something, anything, to help – and suddenly (like magic!) this CustomerLove meeting had become that thing.

In the few minutes I’d missed, people had already gathered and were feverishly planning an incredible fundraising effort for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami. All proceeds will be donated to Direct Relief International.

72-Hour Sale

Following in the footsteps of Adam Baker and Karol Gajda’s 72-hour sale for charity, the CustomerLove for Japan group is compiling an amazing list of virtual products to bundle up just for you, dear readers, at a severely-discounted price.

The sale will begin at midnight, March 28 and run until midnight, March 31.

After which time the deal is done, no more special bundles of awesome to buy, none, zip, nada…so mark your calendars today!

PS: There will also be raffles, prizes and goodies for the first people in line to buy…so you might want to set your alarm clock for midnight that night as well. and there will be a random drawing so everyone has an equal chance of getting first choice among the many amazing bonuses.

What You Can Do to Help

  • Do you (or someone you know) have a product you’d be willing to donate for the sale? Fill out this form!
  • Would you be interested in writing a guest post on a topic related to Japan’s crisis? Or the power of giving? Or overcoming tragedy?
  • Are you able to match donations, either in full or part, gathered by the CustomerLove for Japan’s 72-hour sale?

If the answer to any of these questions is ‘yes’, please leave a comment below or sign up for the mailing list.

If the answer is ‘no’ there’s still a HUGE impact you can make here:

Help us by spreading the word via

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Phone calls
  • Text messages
  • Carrier pigeons
  • Blog posts on your site
  • Shouting at people as you drive by
  • …and tattooing foreheads might not be a bad idea, either. Trouble is getting them to sit still while you do it.

Let’s get this message out. Let’s get this puppy barkin’. Let’s blow their freaking minds with how much love and money we’re able to raise for our brothers and sisters in Japan.

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