Fayth, Hope, and Charity

“By chance,” she asked, “do you have a pair of shoes you could give me?”


I am a sleek, strong, powerful athlete…

It was like entering another dimension.


Poker face

The poker game that changed my life


One marvelous thing

“You should start walking,” said the night nurse. “You’ll heal faster.”



The world was not the friendly place I had imagined.

A Date that Will Live in Infamy

'Okay, here it is,' I thought. 'I might as well find out how I feel about this.'

The laser focus of Anger

For years, I had been terrified of facing anything difficult.


The Red Feather Christmas Tree

A young man wearing a green plaid hat with ear flaps greeted me, a bemused smile on his lips, his nose red from the cold.

Robin Williams, Rest in Peace

I am heartbroken at the news of Robin Williams's tragic passing. As a tribute, I am rerunning this post from several years ago. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


I had built a new life, all right, one that gave me the self-respect I’d never had before. I didn’t think of myself as a thief or a liar any more, but I was just lying to myself.

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