In The Daily Nudge

I’ve had the big new van for over a week now, and my head has finally stopped spinning from the topsy-turvy effect of unexpectedly tearing all my stuff out of the old van, throwing it into the new one lickety-split, and speeding away before the Chevy dealer could realize his mistake.

I thought my stuff would fit into the new van just like the old one, only with lots more room, but it didn’t.

The convenient cubby holes of LaVanne the First do not exist in LaVanne Too. So it’s been a constant reshuffling of bags and boxes, looking for That One Thing that I must have at the moment.

Of course, I never find it until I don’t need it any more.

I kept thinking, “I need more containers! More places to put things!”

And then I realized that I have all the storage space I need.

What I need is less stuff

So, the next two weeks that I plan to be here in the desert before heading back to Southern California, I will be purging. Anything I haven’t used in the last year (other than tools) must go.

This is scary. There are things I have tucked away and forgotten about that now I will have to deal with, to make a decision about.

“I might need it someday” will not cut it any more

Then, I will have places to put the things that I actually use. And I won’t feel so scattered.

I’ll be able to focus on more important stuff, like the Daily Nudge.

What is cluttering up your life and turning you topsy-turvy? Get rid of it!

I’ll be happy to hold your hand while you do it.

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  • Swankie Wheels

    To HELP me…. you would have to tie my hands and then toss my stuff out yourself. The Genealogy!!! If only there was a fast way to get rid of it. Last night I dreamed I became a millionaire, and began doing all the things the lack of money keeps me from doing. First thing I did was get a high-top van. I didn’t want to wake up this morning because I was so enjoying the “rich” feeling. But beyond the high-top, all I was dreaming about was where to put how much money so I would have the interest income available to live off of. I didn’t get around in the dream to downsizing my stuff either. lol

    • LaVonne Ellis

      This is why I was nervous about upsizing to a larger van — and would hesitate to get a trailer. Stuff expands to fill the space available… and then some!

  • Linda Barton

    good luck with the down sizing. Don’t forget to
    post pics

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