A Challenge: 28 Days To Make Customers Love You

Sometimes you read something that kicks your ass, it's so true. It lays bare all your sneaky little ways to avoid doing what you say you want to do. There is no hiding from it now.

Caffeine to the Rescue!

I can have a little bit of caffeine every day, it's not going to kill me. I just need to be careful. Right? Right?


Adventures in Crutch Land

People, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take a week off, but that's what happened. My excuse is that I broke my foot.

The courage to be you

It takes courage to reveal our true selves to the world, but once you take that first baby step, it gets easier.

I love a love fest

So I accidentally launched the voice coaching site an hour or two ago, thanks in part to the lovely and talented @CatherineCaine.


How Action Triggers Help Create Instant Habits, part 2

8:40 am - Well, this is new: Woke up, did dishes, made breakfast, started writing.