In The Daily Nudge, Thoughts

Here’s the thing. I want to start producing real, valuable content on this site, stuff that you will look forward to reading every week.

The Daily Nudge was way too, um, daily and nudgy for me. I’m just not a nudger. And I feel like a jerk for promising more than I was able to keep up. I apologize for letting you down.

But I really do want to do a deeper dive on a weekly basis, similar to Maria Popova’s brilliant and addictive Brainpickings. Every time I open her Sunday emails I find myself thinking enviously, ‘Why don’t I do something like that?’

I don’t have the attention span to dive as deep as Popova — I am rarely able to read her entire newsletter, to be honest — but that’s okay. One thing I’ve learned is that there are a lot of people like me out there, people who can’t focus any better than I can but who still love to learn new things, only in bite-sized pieces.

So, I’m going to start posting stuff that interests me.

This could be a wide range of things but will often have to do with writing because that’s my main focus at the moment.

Sometimes it will include the same kind of posts you’ve gotten used to here, stories and photos of my life with Scout as we wander.

Sometimes I will post interesting stuff that I come across in my wanderings on the web.

Sometimes I will share excerpts from whatever book I am working on.

I may even record a podcast now and then.

Are you up for that? If not, feel free to unsubscribe. I won’t be hurt, honest.

But if you are, do nothing and you can look forward, next Sunday, to your first issue of the new, improved, newsletter, The Weekly UN-Nudge. (Good grief, I need a better name! Maybe I should stick with The Complete Flake, hmm?)

See you next week,


p.s. I also like Popova’s model of asking readers to support her hard work by subscribing with small monthly donations. (I myself send her $3/month — not nearly enough, but I spread my donations out over several sites and charities that are meaningful to me in a way that adds up over time without breaking my budget.) Of course, it’s completely voluntary. If you prefer not to donate, or if you just want to wait and see, you will still get the newsletter.

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  • Cam Coogan

    Hi LaVonne, love your blog. Complete flake, man, I can so relate! I went over to the Brainpickings because you mentioned it. Ugh, no way can I stay focused enough to read through all that. Looking forward to reading future posts and I will get through them as long as they aren’t too long. 😀

    • LaVonne Ellis

      Hah, thanks Cam! It’s good to know I’m not the only one with a short attention span. 😉

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