First it sucked, and then it SUCKED — but now it’s over

As I was wheeled upstairs, I could see that all ER staff eyes were upon me looking sympathetic, almost guilty.


When you’re a Jet, you’re a Jet all the way

I walked out into the daylight, shocked that the world hadn't changed. What was WRONG with everybody?


Creativity envy

Keep trying.

A writer’s dilemma

Maybe I will just have to live with not writing the perfect Romance novel.


On better parenting (dog and otherwise)

Scout had taken over my life and I was starting to resent it


Something borrowed, something new

One thing I've learned is that there are a lot of people like me out there, people who can't focus any better than I can but who still love to learn new things, only in bite-sized pieces.


Coming home–again

I found myself getting homesick for San Diego.


The day after

Do I want to know the truth? I'm not sure.



Suddenly Scout lunged forward, barking like a much bigger dog, ferocious. What did she see?



Look what I found! Yep, it’s the post I thought I lost last week. So, knowing how desperate you are to read of my adventures, here you go: June 5, 2015 Scout and I have been in the San [...]