Another friend has left the nest. I almost didn’t give myself the opportunity to know Silvianne because she is so openly herself that it scared me.

Silvianne — the camp astrologer, tarot reader, and all-around hippie — full of insights and fascinating bits of information. Good cook, too.

Silvianne’s rolling home, Esmerelda
She drapes her home (“Esmerelda”) and her body with luxurious, colorful fabrics that practically shout, “HIPPIE!” I would love to do the same but my Inner Midwestern Farmer insists on plain practicality — and yet, Silvianne’s style is irresistible. She cooks delicious Ayurvedic meals. And she is a shamanic astrologer/tarot reader, which both attracted and repelled me. (What would Colin think?)
I finally worked up the nerve to ask for a reading, and it was just what I needed — therapeutic in the best way. If you would like a reading, Silvianne’s rates are very reasonable. You can contact her here.

Silvianne’s traveling companion, the beautiful, elegant Layla