In Make Customers Love You

I’m writing this from Martin Stellar‘s balcony, listening to the waves of the Mediterranean roll onto the beautiful, rocky shore below, the smell of tortilla wafting through the air, the heat of the day fading pleasantly into a dry, cool evening. In the distance, there’s a percussionist accompanying a guitar, or maybe the other way around.


Photo by Jenny Downing

Everything tastes better here.

The tension in my shoulders has suddenly disappeared, I fall straight asleep at night and I’m feeling more inspired to write than I have in weeks.

The point of this post isn’t to flaunt the fact that I’m on vacation in the south of Spain and you aren’t (although, hey-haw! I’m on vacation in the south of Spain and you aren’t!), but that taking a break can be the best thing you do for your business.

Don’t get me wrong – being your own boss _rocks_. You get to decide when you work, and generally the more effectively you work, the more you earn. The trouble is, if you work your ass off all the time, you’re not being your own boss. You’re being your own employee. And – speaking strictly for myself – if any other boss had suggested I work the hours I’ve been working for the last year, I’d have walked out long ago, no matter how much I love my job.

You can’t function at 110% all the time.

It’s one thing to do what the TechZing guys call an ATM run, and work yourself to the bone for a week or a month just to get some cash in the bank. Depending on your mindset, that can be a really good business plan… but it’s not sustainable. You can’t work 12-hour days as a matter of course, you burn out. You start resenting your work, playing minesweeper instead of doing what you’re meant to – and let me tell you, that coal dust gets everywhere.

But Colin (I hear you say), if you’re taking a vacation, how come you’re writing? Why do you even have your laptop with you? It’s a good question. It boils down to me being an imperfect human with deadlines and no willpower. And I’m writing because I choose to, and I can give it up any time I like… and I’ve not had the urge to open up minesweeper since I got here.

The world isn’t going to end if you take a weekend off.

Your business won’t fall apart if you check your emails at 4pm instead of through the day. And most importantly, you’ll give better service to your customers and fans if you’re refreshed rather than resentful.

Since I’m writing on my terms this week, I’m going to stop there. I have a tan to work on and a book to read. Hasta luego!

=> What can you do to be a better boss to yourself?

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  • Jen

    oh Col..that was a GREAT post…..just knowing you’ve made it across the wire to the point where you can go to Spain 🙂 and yeah…I really take your point …time to take some time out 🙂

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