Day 19: The Different Forms of Customer Love

There is no global right answer. There is a right answer for you. Find it. Swim with it.


Day 13: The Famous Turtle Strategy

This is my third Customer Love Challenge and I'm starting to realize that each successive challenge has built on the past one for me.


Day 6: Write Your Own Hollywood CustomerLove Story

Love stories are a cornerstone of Hollywood movies – so much so that they are a part of even the most popcorn-y action flicks. Why? Because we respond to love stories.  We root for our on [...]


Day 22: The Four Mantras of (Customer) Love

I have recently found myself greatly interested in a variety of philosophies and religion.  When reading spiritual text, you notice a few things: Nearly all of them have intensely profound [...]


Day 15: Anyone Can Do It One Day A Year

Anyone can love their customers for one day, one week or one month. But there needs to be a deeper commitment.


Day 8: How to Pop the Question to Your Customers

One of the shocking realizations of relationships (including those with customers) is learning that not everyone receives love in the same way you do.


Day 2: It’s the Small Things That Count

What small, 5-minute task can you do that will deliver a personalized, thoughtful touch to your customers? Do it.


What’s Keeping You From Launching Your Gifts?

Wouldn’t it be strange if NASA rolled out the next space shuttle to the launch pad, took every step necessary to get ready for the launch, and then didn’t send that shuttle to space?


Day 18: Give One Great Gift

You know when you receive a great gift. It's not the biggest or most expensive present under the tree at Christmas; it's the gift that has the most meaning.