24 things I have learned about life

“Another year shot to hell.” That was my answer, way back on New Year’s Eve, 1970, when someone asked me how I felt about the just-finished year. I was 24 and almost terminally [...]


Ah, Christmas

What I hate about Christmas is all the effort and money one is expected to put into it.


Where did I put that?!

"You will not find what you seek, Grasshopper, until you don't need it any more."


Is your flakiness flaring up for the holidays?

Get your holiday shit done before the actual holiday for a change.


A Day in the Vandwelling Life

I’m trying to establish a routine of sorts while living in the van. It’s surprisingly difficult. Each day seems to present new challenges to routine. Or maybe it’s just my [...]


Urinary disasters, part deux

So there I was, speeding along, when out of the dark along the side of the road loomed a pickup truck with a small cargo trailer and a tall man waving frantically for me to stop.


Comfort matters

Yesterday was a long and miserable day after a long, cold night. The now-clean sleeping bag kept me warm until morning, when I needed my comforter on top of that—and I still had my doubts. [...]


When the going gets tough, the tough have fun

"Can't afford" has always been my go-to excuse


This is not how I imagined my new life of adventure

The pee began to flow. I couldn't turn it off.