In Make Customers Love You

Love stories are a cornerstone of Hollywood movies – so much so that they are a part of even the most popcorn-y action flicks.


Because we respond to love stories.  We root for our on screen couples to overcome adversity and find their happily ever afters.  When they finally get it, we feel tangible relief flood through our bodies, and somewhere inside, we know that everything is as it should be.  We walk out full of warm fuzzies, and if it was really good, that feeling lasts for more than the walk outside the theater.

We so love seeing these happily ever afters that the entire movie industry has been shaped around them.  If a script does not have a fulfilling emotional resolution, chances are it will never get made.  We as an audience demand it.  Again… why?

Because we are seeking our own happily ever afters, every single day.  That’s why we do the work that we do, even when we have to squeeze it in before or after the rest of our daily lives.

Help Your Customers Find Their Happily Ever After

Tapping into what people believe in has always been a powerful persuasive technique.  If you can affect people’s emotions, you can affect the actions they take.  As believers in this Customer Love movement, we have the opportunity to use this power for good (didn’t you know that you’re all super heroes?).

More than anything else, each of us wants to find our own happily ever after.  It could be simple, it could be ornate, or it could be anywhere in the middle – but we want it.  When we “have it made” or have “arrived,” we’ve landed in that fairytale place known as Happily Ever After.  It feels right.

Yet before we can get there, sometimes we have to deal with the drama of our lives, completely leave behind everything we know or even fight a dragon.  Trying to do that alone is hard.  Your customers and your readers know it is.

Let them know that they don’t have to do it alone.  Help them believe that their happily ever after even exists, and then help them get there.

They will love you for it.

You Are the Story that I Believe In

Just because we’re trying to write a Hollywood CustomerLove story, doesn’t mean you have to be Ryan Reynolds or Rachel McAdams to make it come true.  If I arrived at your site, and your content was ready to help me, and you said the words…

You are the story that I believe in.”

…you would have a new fan.  You might even have a new devotee if the chemistry was right.  There is nothing more powerful than being seen by another person.

Let your audience know that you see them, that you understand their struggles and how much you admire their beautiful persistence.  Be open and honest about your own experiences in going through many of the same hurdles.  Tell them that they will reach their happily ever after and that you want to help them.

The more your audience feels seen, the more they will fall in love with you.  They won’t be able to help themselves.

I know I wouldn’t be able to.

Today, I want you to take a few minutes and figure out: what is the happily ever after that your customers most desire?  How can you help get them there?  I would love to hear all about your love story in the comments – tell me how you’re seeing and wooing your audience.

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