What I’ve been up to (plus big announcements)

I’ve come full circle.


Keep trying

Just because something doesn't work or goes wrong the first time doesn't mean it won't work eventually.



So. I finally finished another book and got it up on Amazon.


Under Pressure

That’s how scary it is to me, to simply want to be an artist.

A Cautionary Tale

I took a deep breath and picked up the phone. Just the act of dialing calmed my nerves.


Winter blues

I feel like Jack Nicholson in The Shining, typing, "All work and no play makes LaVonne a dull girl..."


Ack! Butterfly attack!

They're just butterflies, after all.


Are we having fun yet?

I've been running on the fear that I will have Regrets in my old age because way back when I was a kid, my mother planted the idea in my head that I should be a writer. THANKS, MOM.


Desperate measures

I set myself a "stupid small" goal of writing just ten words. That's all. If I could do that, I would consider the day a success.


The key to achieving your dream

Interesting thought: what if flakiness is just another form of Resistance? I’ve chosen to equate flakiness with Attention Deficit Disorder, which has afflicted (and blessed) me since [...]

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