
I am a lily-livered, yellow-bellied coward.


Taos, New Mexico

Let me tell you about Taos.


Travels with Scout: A Trip of a Lifetime

This is the trip of a lifetime for me, one I have dreamed of for years.

Starting again

Writing a book just feels too hard when you look at it from the perspective of what you want it to be at the end: a fucking BOOK.

I’m No Angel

Sunsets along the rocky beaches of Pacific Grove, California, don’t change much from one evening to the next. They’re glorious, of course — pink, orange, blue and purple all at once as the [...]


Here be dragons

And that’s when I finally had to face the real fear: fear of the unknown, of places I've never been.



In which the author changes her mind. Again.


Quid pro quo

You take care of me and I'll take care of you.


If wishes were buses…

I'm done wishing. Wishes won't get me where I want to be.

Life is short

Bad news and good.