Resting before I get tired

I've often thought that if I wasn't so lazy, I could have made a killing as an efficiency expert.


I had built a new life, all right, one that gave me the self-respect I’d never had before. I didn’t think of myself as a thief or a liar any more, but I was just lying to myself.

So I had this idea…

Since I wrote and published my little Complete Flake guide, Getting Sh*t Done, a surprising number of people have asked me how it’s done. And just as many have said, “I need to write [...]

The Complete Flake Goes Camping

Late last night I got home---smelly, sunburnt, and sleep-deprived---after spending an amazing week in the Coconino National Forest near Flagstaff, Arizona. It was my first camping experience [...]


Father’s Day is Bittersweet

My father died very young, barely into his 30s, and I was too young myself to understand what death meant so I never truly grieved.


The Complete Flake Goes Kayaking

My arms, legs, and back were screaming at me, “This is a mistake!” but there was no turning back.


What really matters

Ever talk someone down from suicide? I have. And I forgot all about it until just now. How could I forget something so huge?! It was 1971 and I was visiting my friend Kay and her little girl [...]


A Short Short Story

The old woman lies on her back on the floor in corpse pose, a pillow under her knees, her hands to her side, palms up, resting. I'm getting stronger, she thinks...


When you hit a wall…


Join me in a G+ hangout tonight

Hey, just a quick note to let you know that I’m taking part in tonight’s (Monday, May 6) kickoff of the Sister Stir it Up online book tour. It’s a G+ hangout at 9pm Eastern/6pm [...]