Rubber Tramp Rendezvous, 2015

Last year, I thought they looked so happy and free, frolicking with each other off-leash. This year, I am a cranky old lady.


Are we having fun yet?

I've been running on the fear that I will have Regrets in my old age because way back when I was a kid, my mother planted the idea in my head that I should be a writer. THANKS, MOM.


Fear of the unknown

Then you open it and realize it’s an invitation. Oh, no! I might have to go somewhere I’ve never been to meet someone I don’t know!


Apple pie

It was a tough choice --- possible detection, boob embarrassment, or no apple pie.


Square one

I could make the trip on my bare-bones budget but it would mean skipping all the fun stuff, like visiting friends, eating out, and exploring. And isn't that the point?


Heading out again

I inhaled the intoxicating fragrance of sun-warmed pine needles mixed with sage, listened to the quiet, and I knew: This is still my special place.


I Like to Watch

Everyone, it seems, is out to cram as much fun as possible into the weekend.


In Praise of Dirt Roads

There are dirt paths you can walk or dirt roads you can drive (or walk). I like ’em both, but what I really like is driving down a dusty, bumpy, dirt road. I fear that I may have shortened [...]


An Open Letter to Congresswoman Susan Davis

[This is a copy of a letter I wrote yesterday to my local congresswoman, asking for help for a dear friend. If his plight moves you too, please share on social media and even write or call Rep. [...]


Desperate measures

I set myself a "stupid small" goal of writing just ten words. That's all. If I could do that, I would consider the day a success.