In Fear, Podcast, Procrastination

November 13, 2015 (a Friday, I might add)

Here’s the thing: I have anxiety. Specifically at the moment, phone anxiety. The idea of calling (or emailing) someone I don’t know and asking for an interview for the Passing Through podcast TERRIFIES me.


And since the whole idea behind my big project is to interview lots of people—and by “lots” I mean “several”—that is a problem.

I know from experience that once I make the call, everything gets instantly better. The person on the other end always surprises me by reacting positively so I can stop hyperventilating.

But then I need to make more calls or emails, and the cycle starts all over again.

So what do you do when you are stopped dead in your tracks by fear?

The standard wisdom is FACE YOUR FEARS. Do the thing that gives you the most anxiety first and get it over with.

Do one thing every day that scares you.
Eleanor Roosevelt

But if you do even one thing every day that scares you, it never stops. You’re always thinking about how you’ll have to do it all over again tomorrow. Living in a constant state of anxiety is awful. Your stomach churns, your palms feel clammy, you can’t think straight — awful.

Why not just back away from the scary thing and relax?

Go on Facebook, watch TV, eat a bag (or two) of salt & vinegar potato chips. Hell, dig into that half-gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream in the freezer, forget the bowl. Why not?

Because you really really want what’s on the other side of your fear

You NEED it, because your even bigger fear is that you will find out the truth about your fantasies of how smart or talented you are.

What if you’re — horrors — MEDIOCRE? AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHH!!!! *runs screaming*

Yes, but what if you’re not? What if you’re doing exactly what you’re meant to be doing?

Are you paralyzed with fear? That’s a good sign. Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do. Remember one rule of thumb: the more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it.
Steven Pressfield, The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles (Yes, that’s an affiliate link; I’ll make some change if you buy it.)

Gee, thanks a LOT, Steven.

By that measure, this podcast idea? It’s my calling — I have to do it. *sigh*

Well, of course, I don’t HAVE to. I can give up again, and despise myself for doing so. Or I can put up with a few butterflies every day.

Guess I’d better get on the horn pronto, before the butterflies attack again.

They’re just butterflies, after all

What are you called to do? What is scaring the pants off you? Better get to work on that. Right now.

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  • Lynn

    I have a little hobby that I do strictly for enjoyment. I teach ESL to professional immigrants on Speaking Professionally two evenings a week at a local college. It always amazes me that every FIRST class I get nervous. I am fine once I start speaking in front of the class. It doesn’t matter how many times I teach the same class, always a little nervous.

    I think anticipation is always worse than the task at hand.

    And I also think the more you care, the more important to you, the more nervous you become.

    • LaVonne Ellis

      Good point, Lynn. Stage fright is normal and nothing to be afraid of. I have allowed it to stop me from doing a lot of things I cared about over the years, but no more!

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